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10/01/2018 9:20 pm  #1

Side-Fic 291: Captain Omen

Rated TV-14 (DLSV)

Julie: Hello, everyone. As you watch the show, make sure your room is brightly lit, and don't get too close to the monitor.

Narrator: In New York City's fight against crime, the dedicated detectives who pursue the most vicious criminals are members of an elite unit known as ACME Crime Net.

[The Nickar reaches the surface; the hangar doors open, and Eva's aircraft: The Samca, flies into the hangar; the hangar closes]

[Inside the hangar, the Samca's doors open, and out comes Eva]

Eva: Mechike, I've returned.

[Westcott and LN approach]

Westcott: I'm sorry to tell you this, but my name isn't Mechike anymore. My true name is Isaac Westcott.

Eva: Oh. You're that God wannabe who tried to destroy Tenguu City. Guess Prescott Vorstein must've revived you as Mechike and scrambled with your memories.

LN: He did. Now, why have you come back?

Eva: Because I found us a new mercenary. [whistles]

[Out of the Samca comes a man in modern pirate attire (played by Juan Pablo di Pace)]

Eva: I present to you, the ultimate space pirate and bounty hunter: Captain Omen!

Omen: Greetings and salivations, Demonoids. It's an honor to join your gang.

Westcott: How do I know you'll fare against ACME Crime Net?

Omen: And just who, if I may be so bold as to ask, is this poor, pitiful ACME Crime Net?

Eva: They're this detective agency that employ gifted youths as detectives. They locked me in prison for kidnapping, and now that I've broken out, I intend to get my revenge.

Omen: Hmm. No problem.

Eva: But don't underestimate them. They're far superior to what you think. They have four superhero teams, and one more backing them. But the ones I intend to kill most of all-- Olivia Allen and the Chipettes. [clenches her fist] My childhood enemies. They stole my chance at a family. That's why I broke into Kouryou Academy and injected myself with a Lukifer, thereby giving me my cutlass Blaze. However, this new superhero team: The Crystal Exceeds-- They got in my way of revenge.

Omen: I can handle those Exceeds easily. [whips out his own cutlass and a flintlock pistol] Thanks to the bounties I've been collecting on several planets, my arsenal can destroy the Crystal Exceeds for sure. And I have just the tool needed to call my minions from the dead.

[He whips out a red bugle with a smartphone docking station]

Westcott: A bugle?

Omen: [inserts a special smartphone into the docking station] And this.

[He opens an app on his smartphone: Underworld; he types in the name: Grizzaka]

Omen: Here we go.

[He plays a tune on his bugle, which unleashes a burst of energy that takes the form of the evil Earth Overlord Grizzaka]

Grizzaka: [roars] I'm back! I am Grizzaka, Earth Overlord!

Westcott: An enemy of the Power Rangers Jungle Fury. It is a supreme honor to finally meet one of Dai Shi's overlords.

Grizzaka: How can I ever repay you, whoever you are?

Westcott: You can start by helping Eva and Captain Omen taking down the Crystal Exceeds.

Eva: I'll explain the details on the way to New York. Follow me, boys.

[Grizzaka and Omen follow Eva as she boards the Samca]

[132 Madison Street, Saturday, July 21st, 7:33pm]

[Tomoe opens the door and finds four packages on the doorway (one addressed to Tomoe, one to Miyabi, one to Lilith, and the other to Julie); she takes them inside and locks the door; she puts the packages in the broom closet behind a mop, then locks it]

Tomoe: [sighs] Just two more nights. That's all it takes. But who knew UPS would deliver this late at night?

[Lilith comes out of the Exceeds' room with her iPad]

Lilith: Did the parcels arrive, Tomoe?

Tomoe: Yes, Lilith. All four of them. They're all locked up.

Lilith: Wonderful. Oh, I called Mr. Torasaki and Tatsu. They can't make it to the party. They're at an important training camp. But they sent cards by mail.

Tomoe: They'd better hope they're delivered on Monday. And what about Imari?

Lilith: Unfortunately, she texted that all flights out of Japan are booked. I'm afraid she's going to miss the party.

Tomoe: Nothing to New York?

Lilith: She can't even change planes. There's nothing to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Memphis, Boston, Dallas-- You name it. Absolutely nothing. The earliest opening available is early August. That'd be too late.

Tomoe: Poor thing.

Lilith: But she'll take that flight, anyway. She prefers it better than not being with him at all. Still, Tor might be a little heartbroken if she's not with him on his 19th birthday. After all, she was the first friend he made when he first entered Kouryou Academy.

Tomoe: I know. I just... I just want his first birthday in America, and with us as his official new family, to be special.

Lilith: We all do.

Tomoe: But I'm sure you didn't bring your iPad here just to give me an update on Tor's birthday party.

Lilith: Nope. I was just doing some research on Power Ranger teams. [opens the Power Rangers Database app on her iPad and looks up Jungle Fury] Jungle Fury is one of my favorites. Especially the Wolf Ranger. However, since Julie's Crystal Exceed suit is violet, I'll have to take the role of the Rhino Ranger when we all go Jungle Fury in battle.

Tomoe: That would be a good idea, except we each have the right to become any Ranger we want. The decision should be up to Julie.

Lilith: Hmm.

Tomoe: Speaking of Julie, where is she? I haven't seen her around since dinner.

Lilith: She's not in the room. Last I checked, only Tor and Miyabi were inside watching Camille.

Tomoe: Hmm... I'll check the roof. Look in other rooms.

[She heads upstairs]

[Up on the roof, Julie practices sword training with her Blaze twin swords; she has flashbacks of her father and when he was murdered, and when the killer met his end]

Julie: Papa...

[She has a vision of her father's killer and swings her swords as if she's striking the killer; she pants and sweats heavily; Tomoe walks up to her]

Tomoe: There you are.

Julie: Tomoe.

Tomoe: Training on the roof when it's this dark?

Julie: If I don't train hard enough, I won't be able to keep up with you or the others as an ordinary Exceed or as a Crystal Exceed.

Tomoe: Still thinking about your dad, huh?

Julie: I know his killer's gone, but I still carry the scar on my back. Or rather, the curse. Just after I finished dinner, I had a funny feeling inside. It's almost as if my mission to avenge Papa isn't over yet.

Tomoe: I know you want justice for your dad, but I also don't wanna lose you. None of us do. Come on. It's getting too dark out here.

Julie: Very well.

[Her swords disappear; she and Tomoe head downstairs]

[On board the Samca, Eva shows Omen and Grizzaka footage of the Crystal Exceeds fighting (as the Crystal Exceeds, the Power Rangers, or in their civilian forms)]

Grizzaka: Power Ranger plagiarists. How sweet. It'd be a pleasure to crush them.

Omen: Wait a minute. The silver-haired little one-- Pause for a moment.

[Eva stops the footage and zooms in on Julie (in civilian form)]

Omen: It's her!

Eva: I assume you have a connection to Julie Sigtuna, AKA Exceed Amethyst.

Omen: Seven years ago, my old master fought a battle against Sigtuna's father in her hometown of Gimle. It was three years before I became a space pirate. But I excelled in swordsmanship, thanks to my master. Anyway, going back to the battle, my master had defeated and slaughtered Sigtuna's father and scarred the young girl. That same girl took the life of my master several years later. Since that day, I'd been collecting bounties and conducting my arsenal to find a way to avenge the very mentor who raised me after my parents died in a fire. He was the only man I could count on. [clenches his fist] And now he's dead, thanks to her!

Eva: That'll be your first task. You and Grizzaka shall attack the Exceeds at their warehouse. I'll transport you there immediately.

[She pushes the transport button, transporting Omen and Grizzaka out]

Eva: [snickers] An avenger vs. an avenger. This should be fun.

[132 Madison Street, 8:45pm]

[In the Exceeds' room, Tor and Miyabi watch the end of Camille (1936) (the scene where Armand professes his love to Marguerite on her deathbed); Miyabi is in tears; Tor hands her a Kleenex, with which she wipes her tears]

Miyabi: Who knew romance movies from the 30s would be this tragic?

Tor: Tell me about it. I feel sorry for Armand.

[Tomoe, Lilith, and Julie enter the room]

Tomoe: How was the movie, guys?

Miyabi: It was beautiful, but it was also very sad, especially for one from 1936.

Tor: Greta Garbo sure put a lot into that character.

[He looks on at Julie's long face]

Tor: What's the matter with Julie?

Tomoe: She still can't get her--

[The alarm blares]

Tomoe: Later.

[She looks at her Blaze Phone, which has a notification: "Monster outside warehouse"]

Tomoe: Everybody outside and suit up!

Other four: Right!

[They head out]

[Outside, Omen and Grizzaka have a battering ram ready]

Grizzaka: If this doesn't lure the Exceeds out, I don't know what will.

Omen: On 3, Grizzaka!

Omen and Grizzaka: 1, 2,...

[Suddenly, the Crystal Exceeds burst through the door]

Exceeds: 3!

Tor: Blaze of courage! Exceed Ruby!

Julie: Blaze of speed! Exceed Amethyst!

Tomoe: Blaze of knowledge! Exceed Cobalt!

Miyabi: Blaze of strength! Exceed Topaz!

Lilith: Blaze of stealth! Exceed Emerald!

Tor: In the name of Kouryou Academy, justice will be done! Kouryou Squadron...!

All five: Crystal Exceeds!

Grizzaka: Pleasure to meet you, Crystal Exceeds. I am Grizzaka, Earth Overlord.

Tomoe: And an enemy of the Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

Omen: You must really have been archiving their fights to know enough about their enemies. But you know something? So have I. I am Captain Omen, space pirate and bounty hunter, sent by the Demonoids to carry out a mission to eliminate the Crystal Exceeds. I have the power to resurrect enemies of the Power Rangers from the past. The Power Rangers may have been able to beat him 10 years ago, but you won't!

Tor: Oh, yeah?!

All five Exceeds: Blaze on!

[Their Blaze weapons appear]

Tor: Let's go, ladies!

[He and the girls charge at Omen and Grizzaka and fight them w/their weapons over the next minute]

Omen: Exceed Amethyst, you're mine!

[He strikes Julie w/his cutlass, then fires a blast from his flintlock pistol at her; Julie blocks the blast w/her swords]

Omen: Very resilient of you.

Julie: Leave this area at once.

Omen: Not until I have my revenge.

[They fight w/their swords]

Tor: Julie!

[He is about to charge at Omen when Grizzaka blocks his path and punches him]

Grizzaka: Worry about her later! [unleashes Zocato] Zocato!

[Tor tries to intercept w/his shield, but Zocato is too much for him to hold off, and he gets pushed to the brick wall]

Miyabi and Tomoe: Tor!

Lilith: [fires five bullets from her rifle] You beast!

[Grizzaka blocks the bullets w/Zocato]

Grizzaka: Please. Guns? Piffle!

Tomoe: [strikes Grizzaka w/her kusarigama] Back off, bastard!

Miyabi: [strikes Grizzaka w/her lance] Creepy psycho!

[Grizzaka pushes them back]

Tor: Julie, grab your phone! It's time to go Ninja Storm!

Julie: Roger!

[All five Exceeds whip out their Blaze Phones and touch the Ninja Storm button on the Ranger app]

Tor: Power Ranger Mode: Ninja Storm!

Tor, Tomoe, and Miyabi: Ninja Storm, Ranger form!

[They morph into the Ninja Storm Wind Rangers]

Julie and Lilith: Thunder Storm, Ranger form!

[They morph into the Ninja Storm Thunder Rangers]

All five: Ninja Ranger Power!

Tor: Power of air!

Miyabi: Power of earth!

Tomoe: Power of water!

Lilith: Crimson Thunder!

Julie: Navy Thunder!

All five: Power Rangers Ninja Storm!

Grizzaka: Hmm? Dai Shi never mentioned Rangers other than Jungle Fury.

Omen: No matter. Give them Hell!

[He continues to fight Julie as she fights back w/her Thunder Staff while the other four Ranger-Exceeds fight Grizzaka w/their side-arm weapons; Tor, Tomoe, and Miyabi strike Grizzaka w/their Ninja Swords as Lilith strikes w/her Thunder Staff]

Julie: [attaches her staff to the Navy Antler] I don't know of your motive, but you're still a mercenary of the Demonoids.

Omen: If you choose to fight still, then there's no stopping you.

[They continue fighting; after a minute, Julie is out of breath]

Julie: Lilith!

Lilith: [joins in] Right!

[She combines her Crimson Blaster w/the Navy Antler to form the Thunder Blaster]

Lilith and Julie: Thunder Blaster! FIRE!

[They fire the Thunder Blaster at Omen, hitting him; Omen fires a blast from his pistol at the two, hitting them and reverting them to their Crystal Exceed forms]

Omen: I'll finish you two later. Now for the other three.

[He points his pistol at the Wind Ranger-Exceeds]

Tor, Miyabi, and Tomoe: [combine their weapons] Storm Striker!

[They fire a blast from the Storm Striker at Omen, who intercepts w/his cutlass]

Omen: This is child's play!

[He swings the blast right back at them; the Wind Ranger-Exceeds dodge, but the blast ends up hitting Grizzaka hard]

Grizzaka: Captain!

Tor: Omen, you scumbag! That was your own partner!

Omen: But that was your attack.

[He is about to leave, when Julie grabs him by the foot and trips him]

Julie: You're not going anywhere.

[She gets back on her feet and points her swords at Omen]

Julie: Grizzaka may be evil, but he didn't deserve what you did to him.

Omen: This is for my old master!

[He strikes Julie w/his cutlass, then fires another blast from his pistol at her, hitting her]

Omen: [emits red and black energy from his body and focuses it in his sword and pistol] Say goodbye, Sigtuna! For good! Galactic Saber Blast!

[Simultaneously, he swings his sword, firing a wave of black energy and fires a red blast from his pistol; both blasts unify and take the form of a massive energy blade; Julie tries to intercept w/her swords with all her might, but the might of the energy blade is so strong, she loses her grip and drops her swords, then gets struck by the energy blade; she reverts to normal; her swords vanish]

Omen: [snickers] End of the line. Come, Grizzaka.

[He suddenly looks around, but Grizzaka is gone]

Omen: The coward. [exits] I'll be back for you later!

[The other Exceeds revert to normal; Tor picks up Julie]

Tor: Julie, are you all right?

Julie: I'm sorry, Tor. Captain Omen...

[She collapses]

Tor: Julie!

[Back at the Nickar, Westcott gets a transmission from the Samca]

Eva: One Crystal Exceed is out of commission, Mr. Westcott. Captain Omen made quick work of her.

Westcott: Not bad. Now, where's Omen and Grizzaka?

Eva: I haven't heard back from them since Sigtuna was beaten.

Westcott: Find them and bring them back here.

Eva: Right.

[The transmission ends]

Westcott: LN, did you get the data from the Exceeds' Ninja Storm mode?

LN: Yes. Not much, but it should be enough for us.

Westcott: More than enough to make up for the data we failed to acquire during the Ninja War back in spring. We only managed to get data on the Ninja Steel Rangers, the shinobi, the Exceeds, the Butei, and the Ninja Turtles. Once the other guests showed up, there was no hope of getting anymore from that war with so many fighting in one place.

LN: The less in battle, the better.

[Meanwhile, on the outskirts of town, Omen looks all over for Grizzaka]

Omen: Grizzaka! Show yourself! Or are you too much of a coward?

[His phone rings; he accepts the call from Eva]

Omen: Yes?

Eva: Where are you two?

Omen: Grizzaka disappeared after I beat Exceed Amethyst. I'm trying to find him.

Eva: Westcott needs you back at the Nickar. Both of you. Keep searching, and don't come back without him.

Omen: Yes, ma'am. [hangs up and inserts his phone into his bugle's docking station, opens the Underworld app, and types in the name: Jellica] If there's anyone who can trace Grizzaka, it's the Sea Overlord.

[He plays a tune on his bugle, which unleashes a burst of energy that takes the form of the evil Sea Overlord Jellica]

Jellica: I, Jellica, Sea Overlord, have returned.

Omen: I am Captain Omen, the very man who revived you.

Jellica: How can I serve my new master?

Omen: You can start by helping me find Grizzaka. After our battle with the Crystal Exceeds, he fled without warning.

Jellica: I'd be happy to help. And when we find him, allow me to destroy him for you.

Omen: Very well. Let's split up.

[He and Jellica split up]

[132 Madison Street, 9:54pm]

[Julie rests in the infirmary; Tor looks on at her]

Tor: I promise, Julie, come tomorrow, I'll find that sick pirate and take him out.

Julie: Tor, there's just one thing that's bothering me.

Tor: What?

Julie: Before Captain Omen dealt me the final blow, he said "this is for my old master". Who was his old master, and why was he taking it out on me?

Tor: I have no clue. Right now, you need to rest. Good night.

[He leaves the infirmary]

Julie: Good night.

[Back in the Exceeds' room, Tor returns and walks up to the bed, where the other three girls await in lingerie]

Tor: [sits on the bed] Julie's resting right now. But something tells me that there's a connection between her and Captain Omen.

Lilith: It could be that he knew Julie's father.

Tomoe: Or maybe he knew his killer.

Miyabi: Just call it a hunch.

Tor: If that's true, I can't involve Julie in this.

Tomoe: She's a strong-willed girl, Tor. [massages Tor's shoulders] She's had nothing to fear since her father's killer was killed.

Lilith: [gently lays Tor down on the bed and pulls off his shirt] Don't let it bother you. [kisses Tor on the cheek] And don't worry. We'll make that bloody space pirate pay.

Miyabi: [traces a finger down Tor's chest] And take care of that creepy overlord friend of his.

Tor: You girls are too much, you know that?

Lilith: We're just trying to help you cope, dear.

Tomoe: Tell you what, all three of us will share the bed with you tonight.

Miyabi: With us by your side, everything will be all right.

[As all three girls continue making out with Tor, outside, on the veranda of an apartment building next door to the warehouse, a mysterious young man peers through a telephoto lens (seeing silhouettes of Tor and the girls making out) and listens through a parabolic microphone (hearing the sounds of Tor and the girls laughing, moaning, etc.); the man growls]

Man: Tomoe...

[Another mysterious being walks up to him]

Being: [in a squeaky voice] You know one of them?

Man: She was my girlfriend back in middle school, and we'd hang out at the dojo after school. But just after she finished three years ago,...

[He has a flashback of three years ago outside the Tachibana dojo with Tomoe and the young man]

Tomoe: Sorry, Morimoto, but I've just been enrolled in Kouryou Academy. This is my chance to make my family proud.

Morimoto: Come on! We've been in the same class for five years now.

Tomoe: Well, it had to end sooner or later. Look, I'm not just doing this for myself. I'm doing it to help train others in self-defense.

Morimoto: [grabs Tomoe by the arm] C'mon. You know you want me.

Tomoe: [struggles to free herself] Let me go, you jerk!

Morimoto: I've loved you since the day I met you, and how do you repay me? By enrolling in an elite school without me.

Tomoe: You tried to enroll, too, you know, but you weren't suited for a Lukifer.

Morimoto: When you got the dumb idea to enroll, I trained as hard as I could.

Tomoe: I've been training at this dojo my whole life. You've only been at it for five years, and you still haven't gone beyond orange belt.

Morimoto: It was dumb luck.

Tomoe: You were a lost cause. That's why my parents kicked you out last week.

Morimoto: [grips Tomoe's arm] Don't bring that up again! Your folks overlooked me!

[Tomoe growls and flips Morimoto on his back, causing him to let Tomoe go]

Tomoe: You moron! My whole family knows better than to overlook a student. And by the way, I never had any romantic feelings toward you, let alone anyone. I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility. And even if I were, I'd totally ditch a persistent jerk like you. [looks at her watch] I have a train to catch. Kyoji Morimoto, this is goodbye.

[She leaves; Morimoto falls to his knees]

[Cut back to the present]

Morimoto: Three years later, after she graduates, she goes and does this to me?! Cheating on me with some other man?!

Being: She was probably just mad.

Morimoto: [scoffs] I'll win her back eventually. You see, after high school started, I took more and more lessons in martial arts, and now I'm a blue belt, ready for anything.

Being: Your "girlfriend" happens to be one of the famed Crystal Exceeds.

Morimoto: Hmm?

Being: A group of superheroes in crystalline spandex who have the power to take the form of the Power Rangers. That's why I prefer you stand by until we try to cook up some countermeasures.

Morimoto: [scoffs] That won't be necessary. You see, I already got my own countermeasures. [extracts a belt buckle-like device] Behold, the key to my victory. The Necro Changer.

[He pushes a button, activating the Necro Changer and getting suited up into a crimson red leather suit]

Morimoto: With it, I take the form of the Necro Soldier.

Being: So the stories are true.

Morimoto: Stories?

[Flashback to the entrance to the Temple of Power in the Desert of Despair millennia ago]

Being: Eons ago, the original Necro Soldier went infiltrated the Temple of Power to claim the Power Coins. He planned to use them to overthrow the evil Lord Zedd so he could have full control over the war. Then suddenly, the great sage Ninjor popped up and fought a fierce battle against the Necro Soldier.

Necro Soldier: The Power Coins will be mine, Ninjor!

Ninjor: Even if you succeed, Necro Soldier, you do not possess the magic to harness the power of the coins the way Zordon does!

Necro Soldier: Big words coming from a greenhorn warrior like you.

Ninjor: Greenhorn?! [clenches his fists in fury] I'll show you the power of a greenhorn! Battle Mode, now!

[He converts to his Battle Mode and whips out his sword]

Necro Soldier: [charges at Ninjor w/his sword] Give me the Power Coins!

Ninjor: [strikes the Necro Soldier w/his sword] Never!

[The Necro Soldier falls to his knees]

Ninjor: Give up yet?

Necro Soldier: [whips out a firearm] If I can't have the Power Coins, no one will!

Ninjor: Then you leave me no choice!

[He gathers energy around him and focuses it into a red fireball, then fires it at the Necro Soldier, hitting him hard just before he can pull the trigger; the Necro Soldier falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown; after the smoke clears, all that is left of the Necro Soldier is his belt buckle]

Ninjor: [reverts to normal and tosses the buckle out of sight] Farewell, Necro Soldier.

[Back to the present]

Figure: Though the original Necro Soldier was gone for good, his belt buckle remained intact, but it was never found, until...

Morimoto: ...until I trudged through the Desert of Despair and dug it up. Just four months ago. It took me a while, until I finally recharged it and became the new Necro Soldier. Now I can take down that scumbag Tor Kokonoe and take back my beloved Tomoe Tachibana.

Figure: And I can provide you with some additional support, on one condition.

Morimoto: Yes?

Figure: You must annihilate the very kids that locked me up before eight years ago.

[He shows Morimoto a photograph of the Chipmunks and the Chipettes]

Morimoto: When they come back to town, I'll be ready for 'em,... Uncle Harry.

[Harry's face is revealed; he snickers smugly]

[132 Madison Street, Sunday, July 22nd, 6:55am]

[In the infirmary, Julie wakes up and notices a note taped to the window from the outside: "Exceed Amethyst, meet at Bethesda Fountain near Central Park. Captain Omen must pay. Anonymous writer"; she carefully gets out of bed and grabs her Blaze Phone]

Julie: [quietly] Blaze Morph.

[She gets suited up; she heads outside and jumps onto her Blaze Cycle, then drives off]

Julie: Be it a trap or not, whoever wrote that note is right. I have a score to settle with Omen.

[Central Park, 7:14am]

[Omen sleeps five feet away from a campfire; Jellica walks up to him; Omen awakens]

Omen: Any luck?

Jellica: I looked all over the city all night, sir. Not a trace of Grizzaka.

Omen: [sighs] This is a lost cause.

Jellica: Perhaps we should report back to your superiors at once.

Omen: Eva warned me not to return without Grizzaka. With her cutlass Blaze, I know what she's capable of.

Jellica: Oh, I'm sure she won't mind if I take his place.

Omen: You don't understand. Westcott and Eva forbid subordinates going AWOL. Even I won't tolerate it.

Jellica: Frankly, I don't like that, either. Dai Shi made me out to be a traitor and tried to destroy me. So I summoned the Phantom Beasts to get back at him and his lizard friend, until they stabbed me in the back. All the more reason for me to destroy Grizzaka once we find him.

Omen: Come. [gets back on his feet] Our search must go on.

[Suddenly, emerging from the ground right in front of them is Grizzaka]

Grizzaka: Now I've got you!

Jellica: Grizzaka!

Grizzaka: Jellica? Working with this traitorous pirate?

Jellica: You've got a lot of nerve saying that after you abandoned him last night.

Grizzaka: More like he abandoned me. He'd never have shot at me if he cared for me.

Jellica: Silence! You betrayed my new master, and for that, you shall pay!

[Both overlords get into a serious fight, trading shot after shot]

[Meanwhile, at Bethesda Fountain, Julie looks around]

Julie: [holds up the note] All right. Whoever sent me this note, show yourself.

[Entering the scene is Robert "R.J." James]

R.J.: I'm glad you could show up, Exceed Amethyst.

Julie: Who are you?

R.J.: Name's Robert James. But you can call me R.J.

Julie: Why did you ask for me?

R.J.: [approaches] I know who you are,... [quietly] Julie Sigtuna.

[Julie gasps, then checks to see the coast is clear]

Julie: Retroform.

[She reverts to normal]

Julie: How?

R.J.: I heard all about you and your teammates from some of my Ranger friends. What's more,... I knew your father.

Julie: Hmm?

R.J.: He and my dad were old friends.

[He has a flashback of when he, Master Finn, and Julie's father fight in the battle in Gimle before Julie's father was killed]

R.J.: We were there during your dad's last battle. But just as we had it won, Captain Omen attacked.

[Omen fights R.J. and Finn]

R.J.: Don't worry, Mr. Sigtuna! We've got this!

Finn: Go! Your daughter's waiting!

Julie's father: Right!

[He sets off]

R.J.: [present] It was a setup. Omen lured us into battling him so he'd let his master go after you. And you'd have been dead if your father hadn't rushed to your rescue.

[Back to the present]

Julie: So that's why Captain Omen wanted me. I killed his master for killing my father, and now he wants to kill me for revenge.

R.J.: Exactly. By the time we forced Omen into retreat and got to your and your papa's location, my dad and I were too late. Your papa's killer was gone, and you were left with that scar on your back.

Julie: [in tears] I should've known killing Papa's killer wasn't going to be enough.

R.J.: I'm sorry we didn't go after him, Julie, but Omen was just too fast and too resilient for us.

Julie: I don't blame you. Omen did this. He caused my father's death!

R.J.: Calm down. If you and I work together, we can take out that putrid pirate and avenge your old man.

Julie: Whatever it takes.

R.J.: Oh, and there's one thing I'd like you to know, since you're a Crystal Exceed.

[He reveals his Wolf Morpher]

Julie: Another Power Ranger. Jungle Fury?

R.J.: [nods] Wolf Ranger. Whattaya say, kiddo?

[Julie smiles; both shake hands]

Julie: Let's do this.

[She whips out her Blaze Phone]

Julie: [touches the transformation app on her phone] Blaze Morph!

[She gets suited up]

R.J.: [activates his morpher] Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

[He morphs into the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger; he and Julie jump onto Julie's cycle and take off]

[132 Madison Street, 7:23am]

[Tor gets out of bed, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts; he puts on his shirt and slippers, then walks out of the room and into the infirmary, only to find an empty bed and a note on the front: "Gone to Central Park to settle the score with Omen. Julie"]

Tor: [takes the note] I knew it.

[He rushes back to his group's room]

Tor: Girls, wake up!

[Lilith, Tomoe, and Miyabi wake up]

Lilith: [looks at the time on her Blaze Phone] Tor, it's nearly half past 7:00am.

Tomoe: What couldn't wait another hour?

Tor: Julie's disappeared from the infirmary.

[The girls gasp]

Miyabi: But she can't go out in her condition! It's too dangerous.

Tor: [hands Tomoe the note] She left this note.

Tomoe: "Gone to Central Park to settle the score with Omen." Everyone get dressed. We've got work to do.

[She and the other two girls get dressed; they and Tor grab their phones and rush out of the warehouse]

[Back at Central Park, the fight between Jellica and Grizzaka rages on, with both refusing to surrender, and still going strong; after a minute or two, Omen scoffs and is about to fire a blast from his pistol at the overlords, when Julie and R.J. burst in on Julie's Blaze Cycle; Julie fires a blast from her Blaze Buster at the overlords, hitting them both]

Julie: That's a new one-- Evil fighting evil.

Jellica: Who are you?!

Grizzaka: That's Exceed Amethyst, one of the Crystal Exceeds!

R.J.: Haven't you guys forgotten about me?

Jellica and Grizzaka: Wolf Ranger!

Omen: You're that spandex-wearing man from seven years ago. You scared me away with your pet wolf thingy.

R.J.: "Pet wolf thingy"? You oughta know better than to poke fun at my animal spirit, Captain Omen.

Julie: Blaze on!

[Her twin sword Blazes appear]

Julie: I know now why you want to kill me, Omen. It's because I killed your master.

Omen: Exactly.

Julie: But your quest for vengeance doesn't justify giving him the opportunity to kill my father!

Omen: [grips his cutlass] So what if you know the truth about your father? My master was like a father to me. He taught me all that I know now. And if killing you is the only way he'll rest in peace, then so be it!

Julie: You leave me no choice.

[Suddenly, the other four Crystal Exceeds, riding their Blaze Cycles, burst into the scene]

Tor: Julie!

Julie: Tor?!

R.J.: Hail, hail, the gang's all here!

Lilith: Wolf Ranger? What're you doing here?

R.J.: I'll explain when this is over. Duty calls.

Miyabi: And who is that creepy woman with Grizzaka?

Tomoe: That's Jellica, the Sea Overlord. Like the other overlords, she tried to overthrow Dai Shi.

Jellica: And now that Dai Shi is gone for good, once I destroy you, I'll reclaim my rightful place.

Grizzaka: At any rate, outnumbering us won't save you.

Julie: That's what you think! Roll call!

[Her fellow Exceeds' Blazes appear in their hands]

Tor: Blaze of courage! Exceed Ruby!

Julie: Blaze of speed! Exceed Amethyst!

Tomoe: Blaze of knowledge! Exceed Cobalt!

Miyabi: Blaze of strength! Exceed Topaz!

Lilith: Blaze of stealth! Exceed Emerald!

Julie: In the name of Kouryou Academy, justice will be done! Kouryou Squadron...!

All five: Crystal Exceeds!

R.J.: With the courage of a wolf! Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger!

Grizzaka: You kids are mine! You're the reason Omen shot at me in the first place!

Jellica: Leave the Wolf Ranger to me, Captain.

Omen: Very well. Grizzaka?

Grizzaka: [growls] I don't trust you after what happened last night. But you've left me no choice.

[He and Omen charge at the Exceeds while R.J. fights Jellica, all over the next few minutes]

Tor: Girls, it's time to let out our animal instincts!

Julie: I agree. I owe it to R.J.

[All five Exceeds touch the Jungle Fury button on the Ranger app of their phones]

Exceeds: Power Ranger Mode: Jungle Fury! Jungle Beast, spirit unleashed!

[They morph into the Power Rangers Jungle Fury]

Grizzaka: Jungle Fury! I knew it!

Tor: With the strength of a tiger! Jungle Fury Red Ranger!

Tomoe: With the stealth of a jaguar! Jungle Fury Blue Ranger!

Miyabi: With the speed of a cheetah! Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger!

Julie: With the courage of a wolf! Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger!

Lilith: With the power of a rhino! Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger!

All five: Spirits of the jungle! Power Rangers Jungle Fury!

Tor: Charge!

[The five Ranger-Exceeds charge at the overlords and fight them rigorously]

Tor: Junglechuks!

[He swings his Junglechuks with the might of a tiger and strikes Omen with them]

Tomoe: Jungle Tonfa!

[She strikes Grizzaka w/her Jungle Tonfa]

Miyabi: Jungle Bo!

[She strikes Grizzaka w/her Jungle Bo]

Lilith: [strikes Grizzaka w/her Rhino Blade] Rhino Morpher, Super Blade Attack!

Julie: [fires a blast from her Wolf Morpher at Omen] Wolf Beams!

[Omen gets struck by the blast]

Omen: How can this be?! I curb-stomped you last night!

Julie: That was before I found out you were involved in my father's death. That makes me more determined to defeat you. Call to the beast inside! Spirit of the wolf!

[She unleashes the spirit of the wolf upon Omen; Omen tries to intercept w/his weapons, but the wolf is too strong; it strikes Omen hard]

Tor: Tomoe! Miyabi!

Tomoe and Miyabi: Right!

All three: Claw Cannon!

[The Claw Cannon appears]

Tomoe and Miyabi: Charge!

[They charge the cannon]

Tor: You're finished, Grizzaka!

Grizzaka: Zocato power!

[He unleashes Zocato upon the three]

Tor: Engage!

[He pulls back the rear handle of the cannon to unlock the cannon's shield]

Tor: Powered by animal spirits!

Tor, Tomoe, and Miyabi: FIRE 1!

[The Claw Cannon fires a massive blast at Grizzaka's Zocato, repelling it; the blast strikes Grizzaka hard]

Grizzaka: [electrified] You can't defeat me that easily!

Lilith: Rhino Morpher Stampede!

[She fires blasts from her Rhino Morpher at Grizzaka, hitting him hard; the Ranger-Exceeds revert to the Crystal Exceeds]

Exceeds: [whip out their Blaze Busters] Blaze Busters, Jungle Fury formation!

[They attach their Blaze Phones to their Blaze Busters and touch the Jungle Fury button on the Ranger app, charging their Blaze Busters]

Exceeds: FIRE 2!

[They fire blasts from their Blaze Busters in the shape of the Jungle Fury animal spirits at Grizzaka, hitting him hard]

Exceeds: Crystal Cannon!

[The Crystal Cannon appears; the Exceeds combine it w/their Blazes]

Tor: Crystal Blaze Cannon, ready!

Grizzaka: Uh-oh!

Exceeds: FIRE 3!

[Their empowered cannon fires a massive multicolored blast of energy at Grizzaka, hitting him hard; Grizzaka screams, falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown; after the smoke clears, Grizzaka lies unconscious on the ground]

Omen: Grizzaka, you've failed me for the last time. Sigtuna, you're mine. [points his sword at Julie] This is for my master.

Julie: [detaches her swords from the cannon] This is for Papa.

[They charge at each other and fight w/their swords]

Tomoe: I hope she understands what she's getting herself into.

Tor: Omen caused her dad's death, Tomoe. This is her fight.

Miyabi: Right now, the Wolf Ranger needs our help.

Lilith: Let's go.

[Back at the fight between R.J. and Jellica, the two trade blows and shots with each other]

R.J.: [fires a blast from his morpher at Jellica] Wolf Beams!

[Jellica liquifies herself to dodge the blasts, then slithers around R.J.]

Jellica: [grabs R.J.] Surrender, Ranger!

R.J.: No chance, you aquarium reject!

Jellica: [scoffs] Then you leave me no choice.

[She grabs R.J. w/her tentacles]

R.J.: Call to the beast inside! Spirit of the wolf!

[He unleashes the spirit of the wolf, setting him free of the tentacles and striking Jellica]

R.J.: Ready, Exceeds?

Tor: You bet! Let's show this creep the power of cats!

Tor, Tomoe, Miyabi, and Lilith: [each touch a different Ranger button on the Ranger app of their phones] Power Ranger Mode: Feline theme!

Tor: Wild Access!

Tomoe: RPM, get in gear!

Miyabi: It's Morphin Time!

Lilith: Go galactic!

[They each morph into a different feline-themed Ranger]

Tor: Blazing Lion!

Tomoe: Ranger Operator Series Blue!

Miyabi: Saber-toothed tiger! Yellow Ranger!

Lilith: Galaxy Pink!

R.J.: What's the matter? Couldn't go for a wolf theme?

Tor: We don't have access to enough wolf-themed Rangers at the moment.

Tomoe: Right now, it's best to go with felines.

R.J.: And Exceed Emerald, why'd you choose pink?

Lilith: There was nothing else left that wasn't red, yellow, or blue, nor from the teams the others chose.

Jellica: Will you cut the chatter and fight me already?!

Tor: You heard her. Lion Blaster!

[The Lion Blaster appears in his hands]

Tor: Initiate Cannon Mode!

[The Lion Blaster converts to Cannon Mode]

Tomoe: Turbo Cannon!

[The Turbo Cannon appears in her hands]

Tor and Tomoe: Fire!

[They fire blasts from their cannons at Jellica, who tries to block the blasts with her staff, but to no avail]

Miyabi: [whips out her daggers] Power Daggers!

[She strikes Jellica w/her daggers]

Lilith: Transdagger: Beta Bow!

[She fires energy arrows from her Transdagger at Jellica, hitting her]

R.J.: Wolf Beams!

[He fires blasts from his morpher at Jellica, hitting her]

Jellica: [unleashes her tentacles upon R.J. and the Ranger-Exceeds] Hardly enough to stop me!

[The tentacles bind the five]

Jellica: [unleashes a ring of water and traps the five within it] I'm smart enough to know what you're all capable of. Especially you, Wolf Ranger!

R.J.: [struggles to free himself] That may be, but since you've been gone, my team and I have grown even stronger!

[He bursts through the tentacle that binds him and charges at unleashes his Wolf Spirit upon Jellica, hitting her]

Jellica: You pigheaded punk!

[Meanwhile, back at the fight between Julie and Omen, they continue fighting w/their swords over the course of two minutes]

Omen: [emits red and black energy from his body and focuses it in his sword and pistol] Galactic Saber Blast!

[Simultaneously, he swings his sword, firing a wave of black energy and fires a red blast from his pistol; both blasts unify and take the form of a massive energy blade]

Julie: [swiftly slices through the blast w/her swords] Not this time! [jumps up and swings her swords in a circular formation] Full Moon Blaze Swing!

[She dives down and strikes Omen w/her swords]

Omen: [struggles to get back on his feet] You may have won this battle, Sigtuna, but I'll get you yet!

[He vanishes]

Julie: Omen... [notices the others in danger] Uh-oh!

[She runs up to the tentacle-ensnared Ranger-Exceeds]

Julie: Hang in there, team!

[She slices the tentacles, setting her teammates free; they revert to the Crystal Exceeds]

Tor: Thanks, Julie.

Julie: Where's R.J.?

Tor: You mean the Wolf Ranger? He's got Jellica on the ropes.

[R.J.'s fight with Jellica rages on, until R.J. knocks Jellica to the ground with another finishing blow]

Jellica: [raises her staff] Wolf Ranger, I won't go down without fulfilling my quest!

[But before she can land a blow to R.J., a familiar black sword stabs her through the chest; she drops her staff]

Jellica: [groans] Who?

[Right behind her is the Necro Soldier himself, who stabbed Jellica w/his sword]

Jellica: Who are you?

[The Necro Soldier pulls his sword back; Jellica falls to the ground]

Tor: Who is that guy, and why did he just kill Jellica?

R.J.: He's the Necro Soldier, but he's supposed to have died fighting Ninjor millennia ago. Unless,...

[The Necro Soldier retroforms back into Kyoji Morimoto]

R.J.: He has the belt buckle.

Morimoto: It's been a while, Tomoe.

Tomoe: [raises her visor] Kyoji Morimoto?

R.J.: You know this guy?

Tomoe: He was my classmate back in junior high, and the lost cause of my family's dojo.

R.J.: You mean he failed to meet your family's expectations?

Tomoe: Are you kidding? No matter how hard he tried, he never got promoted past orange belt after his first trimester with us.

Morimoto: That's in the past. After you joined Kouryou Academy, I enrolled in a better dojo and am now a blue belt. Took me three years to get this far.

Tomoe: Better dojo?! Need I remind you that your sick obsession over me was the very reason you never got promoted in the first place?

Morimoto: [points] And as if that weren't enough, since you ditched me, you've been making out with that total maggot?!

Lilith: Hey! You have no right to ridicule my lover that way!

Morimoto: Oh, you're hanging with a two-timer, eh?

Miyabi: Wrong! He'd never break our hearts!

Julie: That's right. He's a brave man.

Tomoe: My love and loyalty are to Tor Kokonoe. Except for those in my own family, there's not a man alive who can amount to him. All four of us girls love him equally, and we'll never stop!

Morimoto: [growls] I try to do you another favor in saving you, and you're still ungrateful?!

[He transforms back into the Necro Soldier, then charges at Tomoe w/his sword; Tor intercepts w/his shield]

Tor: Leave Tomoe alone, Morimoto. When she said no, she meant no. There are plenty of other women, yet you refuse to accept anyone but her?

Morimoto: There's no other woman in my life with her martial arts skills.

Tor: Sadly, you proved yourself unworthy of the Tachibana school. I'm surprised you were even worthy of becoming the Necro Soldier.

Morimoto: I didn't need any special skills. I just adjusted the belt buckle and made the Necro Soldier's powers my very own.

[He pushes Tor back w/his sword]

Morimoto: Look at you. A weak leader who can only rely on the powers of the Power Rangers and his measly shield Blaze for protection. Well, time to wrap this up.

Harry: [approaches] Hold it!

R.J.: A talking chipmunk? [to Tor] Dude, is he in any relation to the Chipmunks?

Tor: Trust me, R.J., you don't wanna know about him.

Morimoto: Uncle Harry, step aside. This is between me and Kokonoe.

Harry: I'd advise you to conserve your energy. You're not quite up to speed yet. True, you did take out a monster, but only because she let her guard down and didn't expect you. Come. We've got some training to do.

Morimoto: [growls] We'll fight another time, Kokonoe.

[He and Harry exit]

Tomoe: [re-lowers her visor] Crazy bastard. But how does he know who we are?

Julie: How do you know about the Necro Soldier, R.J.?

R.J.: A Ranger friend of mine told me all about the story of the great Ninjor's battle against the original Necro Soldier to protect the Power Coins he created. In the end, Ninjor emerged victorious, but the Necro Changer, his belt buckle, remained intact and was buried, until apparently, that Morimoto dude dug it up and made it his own. Now, about his Harry friend-- I heard of a criminal chipmunk of the same name who went to a federal prison for kidnapping, extortion, and a lot of other crimes and had recently escaped.

Tor: How?

R.J.: When it hit the news, they said he snuck through an air vent while the guards were distracted by a riot in the prison yard. Y'see, drones had smuggled lethal weapons. The perp seized the opportunity and escaped through the air vent undetected, leaving no trace. The guy who controlled the drones was arrested for illegal possession of these weapons and aiding an escape and was killed in prison on his first night of his sentence.

Tomoe: Well, there's no feeling sorry for that guy. But it's too late. The damage is done. Thanks to him, Harry's on the loose again. This isn't gonna be easy to tell Alvin when next we call him.

[Suddenly, Grizzaka awakens and gets back on his feet]

Grizzaka: He'll have to find out for himself!

Lilith: How in Hell did he survive that?

R.J.: Don't underestimate the Earth Overlord, Tomoe.

Grizzaka: To pay him back for betraying me, I tricked Captain Omen into thinking I was dead so I'd seize the opportunity to go after him and destroy him. But seeing as you're still here, I'll have to contend with you first. Zocato power!

[Using his Zocato power, he enlarges himself, then empowers Jellica's body with that same power, restoring and enlarging her]

Grizzaka: You get one last chance, Jellica.

Jellica: Whatever it takes to exterminate these insects.

Tor: Blaze Borgs, assemble!

[The Blaze Borgs charge into the scene and combine to form the Exceed Blaze King; the Exceeds jump into the cockpit]

Exceeds: Exceed Blaze King, ready!

[Cut back to the ground]

R.J.: How 'bout I even out the odds a bit? Calling on the animal spirits: Wolf, tiger, jaguar! Animal spirits, unite!

[He unleashes the Wolf, Tiger, and Jaguar Animal Spirits, which combine to form the Wolf Pride Megazord; R.J. jumps into the cockpit]

R.J.: Wolf Pride Megazord!

Jellica: A combination of a Megazord and a cheap facsimile won't stop us.

R.J.: Don't you dare call the Crystal Exceeds' arsenal cheap! They may be rookies, but they improve every day, just like the Power Rangers!

Grizzaka: They'll never amount to you, or the rest of your team, or any other Power Rangers team.

[Cut to the Exceed Blaze King's cockpit]

Julie: So you say. Blaze on!

[Outside, the Exceed Blaze King gets equipped w/twin swords (similar to Julie's); it strikes Jellica with them; Jellica whips out her staff, and both giants fight over the next minute; afterwards, the Exceed Blaze King slices Jellica's staff in half w/its swords]

Jellica: No! My staff!

Julie: Send me the bill, then.

All Exceeds: Crystal Javelin!

[The Crystal Javelin appears in the Exceed Blaze King's hands; the Exceeds empower the javelin w/their united souls]

Exceeds: Lukifer Slash! Final attack!

[The Exceed Blaze King strikes Jellica w/its javelin, electrifying her; Jellica screams]

Jellica: I lost to amateurs?! Why?!

[She engulfs in an explosion]

R.J.: Creeps like her never learn. Now for you, Grizzaka.

[The Wolf Pride Megazord fights Grizzaka over the next minute; afterwards, Grizzaka grabs the Megazord by the neck, then throws it at the Exceed Blaze King, who catches the Megazord]

Grizzaka: Zocato!

[He unleashes Zocato upon the giant machines, hitting them both]

Tor: Keep it together, guys!

R.J.: Exceeds, your mecha has the power to access a Megazord move, right? I suggest you try one my team uses.

Tor: What was I thinking?! Thanks, R.J.!

[Julie touches the Jungle Fury button on the Ranger app of her phone]

Julie: Jungle Fury Mode! Animal Spirits, unleash!

[The Power Rangers Jungle Fury theme is heard in the background]

[Outside, the Exceed Blaze King unleashes the Tiger, Jaguar, Cheetah, Wolf, and Rhino Animal Spirits from the chests of each Blaze Borg component upon Grizzaka and strike him hard]

Grizzaka: No!

R.J.: Wolf Pride Megazord, Spin Fury! Launch!

[The Wolf Pride Megazord roundhouse kicks the wolf spirit's tail upon Grizzaka, hitting him hard]

Grizzaka: Zocato, full power!

[He unleashes Zocato upon the machines at maximum power]

Exceeds and R.J.: Double Savage Spin!

[The Exceed Blaze King and Wolf Pride Megazord stretch their arms out and spin around toward Zocato, pushing it right back at Grizzaka, hitting him; they two machines then strike Grizzaka hard w/their fists; Grizzaka screams]

Grizzaka: This is not possible! I'm far superior to Dai Shi! How could I lose to one Ranger and a bunch of novices?!

[He falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown]

R.J.: Power Rangers Jungle Fury!

Julie: And that's checkmate.

[The gang jumps out of the cockpits]

Julie: Thanks again, R.J.

R.J.: Hey, no prob. Those overlords never stood a chance.

[They shake hands]

[Back at the Nickar, Westcott receives another transmission from the Samca]

Westcott: You've failed me again, Eva.

Eva: Grizzaka and Jellica proved themselves unworthy, and Captain Omen proved himself a charlatan. He failed to keep Exceed Amethyst out of commission for good, and is now being punished.

Westcott: Both of you are at fault. This discussion is over.

[Cut back to the Samca; the transmission ends]

Eva: [turns to a shackled Omen] As for you, Omen, your punishment is 24 hours in the brig. That's eight for failing to kill Sigtuna the first time, 12 for losing to her miserably the second time, and four more for failing to return with Grizzaka.

Omen: Yes, Lady Eva.

[Eva shoves Omen into the small brig and locks him in a cell, then slams the door shut; the transmission signal beeps]

Eva: [accepts the transmission] Now what?

[The transmission is coming from Morimoto and Harry]

Morimoto: Is Captain Omen there?

Eva: He's being punished. Leave me be.

[She suddenly notices the Necro Changer Morimoto is wearing]

Eva: [gasps; in her mind] The Necro Changer! [aloud] On second thought, I'll take a message. Tell me who you are.

Morimoto: My name is Kyoji Morimoto, the new Necro Soldier.

Harry: And I'm his advisor and partner. You can call me Uncle Harry.

Eva: Oh, right. The charlatan chipmunk who broke out of prison. From one escaped convict to another, how can I help you?

Harry: Actually, Eva, Morimoto and I can help you. Now, you want revenge on the Chipettes, right?

Eva: Yes.

Harry: And I want revenge on the Chipmunks and the Chipettes. Plus, we both want to eliminate the Crystal Exceeds, don't we?

Eva: Mm-hmm. But what's this got to do with Mr. Morimoto?

Harry: He wants revenge on Tor Kokonoe, leader of the Exceeds, for stealing his girl.

Eva: And you two want to join my team?

Harry and Morimoto: Yes!

Eva: Okay, then. Let me lock on to your coordinates and transport you here.

[She does so; Harry and Morimoto are transported on board]

Eva: Now my team is complete. An Exceed, a combat pirate, the Necro Soldier, and an advisor. Mr. Morimoto, you shall be my sparring partner while we train.

Morimoto: I'd be honored, Lady Eva.

Eva: Now, let's get started. [smirks]

[132 Madison Street, 11:32am]

[R.J. watches as Julie shows him an eagle-type martial arts move]

R.J.: Good girl, Julie. You have the spirit of the eagle, graceful and agile.

Julie: Spirit of the eagle? How do you know this, R.J.?

R.J.: I've been trained in this, kiddo. As a Pai Zhuq master, not only do I see who you are, but I also see what you've got within yourself. Like all animals, you trust and control your instincts. You know how to attack and defend, and most importantly, to only use it as a means of survival, and not just for yourself, but for others.

Lilith: Tell me, R.J., do you recognize this?

[She performs a leopard-like martial arts move]

R.J.: Stealthy and with nerves of steel. That's the spirit of the leopard for ya.

[Miyabi performs a bear-like martial arts move]

R.J.: You, Miyabi, have the spirit of the bear, strong and fierce. Even with those endowments.

Miyabi: [embarrassed] Oh, thanks, R.J. I guess.

R.J.: No, seriously, you must really have built up a lotta muscle to cope with your breast size. [pats Miyabi on the head] Very impressive.

Tomoe: [scoffs] It's a good thing we're all 18 or older.

R.J.: Okay, Tomoe. You're the dojo girl. Let's see what you've got.

[Tomoe performs a scorpion-like martial arts move]

R.J.: Ah. Cunning and perceptive. The spirit of the scorpion.

Tor: If only we'd make our own mecha from those animals.

R.J.: Clever, Tor. Maybe you should take it up with your technician or someone of the like. Now, show us what you've got.

Tor: I should warn you, R.J., I'm the irregular of Kouryou Academy. There's no guarantees.

R.J.: No one said there were.

[Tor carefully performs a panther-like martial arts move]

R.J.: [smiles] For an irregular, you've sure got a mad panther within you. [pats Tor on the back] Courageous and just.

Tor: Gee, thanks.

R.J.: I'm also told Julie's not the only avenger on this team. Could you happen to be the other?

Tor: Yeah. It was five years ago. An old friend of mine set a fire to my family's dojo, then slaughtered many of my fellow students, and was about to do the same to me, when my little sister jumped in and took the brunt. Since that day, he was no longer my friend, nor anyone else's. I never saw Narukami again, until two years later, when he tried to finish the job and take me out. But after many a battle, I finally killed him and got revenge for Otoha. Even though her killer's dead, to this day, I still fight in her honor, and protect the ones I love, including Julie, Tomoe, Miyabi, and Lilith.

R.J.: That's the mark of a true leader, Tor. But also remember that they're here for you, too. Every step of the way. Remember, Julie chose to fight Captain Omen not only to avenge her father, but also to protect you and your fellow Exceeds from him.

Julie: And speaking of which, Tor, can you ever forgive me for going out on my own and making you worry? I didn't want you to get mixed up in this.

Tor: Hey, I'll always forgive you. You're not only my Duo partner. You're family, and I love you.

Julie: [as she and Tor embrace] I love you, too, Tor.

[R.J. smiles]


R.J.: Ah! Lunch!

[He rushes to the kitchen and pulls a freshly-baked pizza (w/slices of bananas and adorned w/goat cheese) from the pizza oven; he places it on a plate, brings it to the center of the warehouse, and places it on the dining table]

R.J.: Behold, my friends, our lunch: My famous Thrilla Gorilla pizza. Recipe courtesy of Jungle Karma Pizza.

[The Exceeds stare at the pizza]

Tomoe: Bananas?!

R.J.: [slices the pizza] Why else would it be called Thrilla Gorilla? Hey, you've heard of pineapple on pizza. Plus, bananas on pizza-- It's quite popular in Sweden right now, albeit with curry. Go ahead. Try it.

[Julie takes a slice and takes a gentle bite out of it, then swallows]

Julie: Oh, my God! This is yummy!

R.J.: Hmm. Must be the goat cheese. Aw, what the hell? Everybody dig in!

[He and the other Exceeds each take a slice of the pizza and eat]

Harry remains at large.]

[Clips from the next side-fic are shown]

Tor: Sweetest pizza I've ever had!

Tomoe: That stuff can really add up when it comes to potassium.

Miyabi: We're gonna need it for when we face Eva's team next time.

Julie: Next time on ACME Crime Net: Red Rage Part 1.

Lilith: Vigilance, dedication, courage!

Last edited by TVLubber (1/24/2022 11:37 pm)

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