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2/03/2023 11:00 pm  #1

Side-Fic 352: Wizard No More

Rated TV-14 (DLSV)

Mana: While you watch this show, make sure you're in a brightly-lit room, and that you're not sitting close to the monitor.

Narrator: In New York City's fight against crime, the dedicated detectives who pursue the most vicious criminals are members of an elite unit known as ACME Crime Net.

[Itsuka Residence, Tuesday, November 19th, 2:08am]

[In Kotori and Mana's room, Mana tosses and turns in her sleep; in her dream, JB stares her down; Mana is all beaten up and can't move, and JB has Shido pinned]

JB: You're weak, just like your big brother! Now that your Wizard powers are gone, it's time to bid your life goodbye. But first, I think it's more fun to watch you squirm as I finish off your big brother.

[Mana watches in tears as JB raises her blade and is about to stab Shido]

Mana: Big Brother!

[JB laughs maniacally as she lifts her bloodstained sword; Mana watches in horror and tears as blood starts coming out of Shido's body; back in reality, she lets out a loud scream in her sleep; Kotori wakes up]

Kotori: Mana, what's wrong?!

[Shido enters the room as Mana tosses and turns even more and Kotori tries to wake her up]

Shido: What's the matter?! I heard Mana screaming!

Kotori: She must be having a bad dream!

Shido: [approaches Mana's bed] Mana, wake up. It's okay. It's me!

[Mana wakes up and hugs Shido, crying]

Mana: Big Brother, Mana's scared! It was horrible!

[She suddenly starts retching; she runs out of the room, rushes into the nearest bathroom, and slams the door; Shido and Kotori walk up to the door]

Shido: Are you all right in there?

[Mana is heard throwing up; then the sound of a sink running is heard for a few seconds, followed by gargling, spitting, the toilet flushing, and the sink running; Mana comes out of the bathroom, wiping her face with a napkin, taking deep breaths, and still shook up; Kotori covers her nose as she sprays air freshener in the bathroom]

Shido: You okay?

Mana: Mm-hmm. But that dream-- Jess-- JB was fighting me. I lost my powers. You jumped in to try and save me, but she killed you. She slit your throat and stabbed you through the heart, right in front of Mana.

Shido: Hey, I'm right here, and I'm fine.

Mana: But that dream-- It could mean a bad omen.

Kotori: [comes out of the bathroom] Oh, that's right. Karen ran a bio-scan on her last night. The results will be in by noon here. But maybe we can find a way to increase your powers.

Mana: I don't wanna get my hopes up. Much as I'd love to keep fighting by Big Brother's side, I don't wanna deal with another experiment that could cut my lifespan. Besides, Westcott's been after me ever since I turned my back on him.

Shido: You did pretty well without your powers on a few occasions, though.

Mana: Yeah, I did. But only because the Demonoids let their guard down. Next time, they won't.

[Suddenly, an image of Mana appears before the trio]

Shido: Girls, look!

Mana: Is that me?

Future Mana: From the future. The final battle. Remember,... your smartphone. That's all Mana can give you. Don't give up, Mana. You'll meet right after... [vanishes]

Kotori: What was all that about?

Mana: A warning, maybe?

Shido: We'll look into that at dawn. We gotta get some sleep.

[Mana clings to Shido, still shook up]

Mana: Big Brother, I don't wanna go back to my bed after that nightmare and that vision. Please, let Mana sleep with you.

Kotori: Let her, bro. She really needs you.

Shido: Okay. C'mon. Good night, Kotori. [takes Mana to his room]

Kotori: Good night.

[In Shido's room, Shido and Mana get into bed, Mana still clinging to Shido]

Mana: Big Brother, if Mana's powers do die down, what will you do?

Shido: I told you, I'm a Spirit Soldier. I protect. But remember, you have to be brave. You have to be strong. Stand up for yourself. [pats his sister on the head] I believe in you, just like you believe in me.

Mana: Mana wishes Mom and Dad were still here.

[She starts to cry again; Shido hugs her]

Mana: Big Brother...

Shido: Everything will be okay, Mana. Don't cry now.

[Mana cries herself to sleep as Shido strokes her head]

[Meanwhile, at Neo-DEM HQ, JB enters Westcott's office]

Westcott: The moment has finally come, JB. Mana Takamiya's days as a Wizard are nearing their end, and there's nothing or no one to save her from the inevitable.

JB: With her doom, the Spirit Soldiers will fall to your hands. And here's even more pleasing news. [snaps her fingers]

[10 CR-Unit-equipped Wizards enter]

JB: I've assembled a fleet of 10 of the most surly criminal women in all of New York. I plan to turn them from Wizards to the most devastating fighting team: The Demon Soldiers.

Westcott: Ah. Impressive.

JB: A good way to beat the Spirit Soldiers is at their own game.

Westcott: But you need the right power source.

JB: [holds up a silver crystal] Once Mana's powers have been drained, what's left will charge this crystal, and I'll use it to drain the Spirit Soldiers of their powers. Then I'll reverse-engineer those powers and create a new power source with the Spirits' Inverse forms in mind.

Westcott: Inverse...

[He has flashbacks of the Spirits' Inverse forms]

Westcott: Yes. I like the sound of that.

JB: Plus, the Spirit Soldiers' source of power comes from Sephira-X. Since stealing it is easier said than done, it's a no-brainer we create our own version for the Demon Soliders: Qlipha-X.

Nervadrone: [enters with a cell containing Qlipha-X] Over the past week, JB and I have been mining the last of the Qlipha Crystals' Reiryoku to create this. Now it's all set and ready to go.

JB: Well done, Nervadrone.

Nervadrone: And before you ask...

[She holds up a silver wrist-mounted device that nearly resembles a Spirit Brace]

Nervadrone: I have an extra Demon Brace all ready for one of us to lead the team as the 11th Demon Soldier. [hands it to JB] You.

JB: Pure genius, my friend. You never fail to impress me. Oh, and one more thing. [snaps her fingers]

[Maggotron and Aphidrone enter]

Maggotron: Yes, o great ones?

Aphidrone: You called?

JB: Takamiya is sure to join the Spirit Soldiers in battle if I send the both of you to New York to lure them out. Sending the last three one at a time was a bust.

Aphidrone: Both of us? No problem.

Maggotron: We'll take care of 'em for you!

[They vanish]

JB: [to her Wizards] As for you 10, get to the training arena. It's time to prove your worth.

[Cut to the training area in the upper floor; the Wizards are faced with an army of Bandersnatch 2.0 units; they fight over the course of two minutes; afterwards, the Bandersnatch are left in pieces]

JB: Training complete. Excellent work, Wizards! Now, return to base!

[The Wizards exit the arena]

[Fraxinus EX, 8:00am (JST)]

[Mana reports to Kotori's office]

Mana: So what's the verdict, Kotori?

Kotori: It pains me to tell you this, my dear sister, but... the bio-scan Karen ran on you yesterday-- It came back negative. Our final effort to re-energize your Wizard powers fell short.

Mana: I was afraid of this. First I find out my real parents are dead, then comes this scary nightmare about losing my brother, then I get a vision from the future, and now this.

[Unbeknownst to the two, Shido and the rest of his group are listening in from outside]

Kotori: There's still a bright side to this. You may still have just enough power for one last battle.

Mana: What about the vision? What did it mean?

Kotori: MARIA is still trying to determine its origin, but if there's anything significant about that vision, it's that you weren't wearing a CR-Unit in battle.

Mana: [sighs] But how could I possibly win without my powers?

[She stares at the door]

Mana: Big Brother, I know you're eavesdropping!

[Shido and the others burst into the office]

Kotori: All of you, huh? Dummy bro.

Shido: Mana's the only real family I've got left. How can you expect me not to worry when her Wizard powers are now on the blink?!

Kotori: I'm worried, too, you know! We're doing everything we can to keep her safe!

Shido: Don't you understand, Kotori?! She's just as much of a sister to me as you are!

Kotori: I know that! But there's nothing we can do to restore her Wizard powers!


[Shido and Kotori stare at her]

Mana: This is not the time or place for a family squabble! If my powers die, they die, but I won't. Somehow, I'll find a way to fight by your side. I know I will.

Shido: Mana...

Kotori: [in tears] Crazy girl.

Tohka: Even in her darkest moments, she's so optimistic.

Miku: What a woman.

Kaguya: Always there for Shido.

Yuzuru: Compliment. So innocent, yet so brave.

Natsumi: For some reason, I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Mukuro: Muku, too. Mana's the most unselfish girl Muku's ever met.

Yoshino: [in tears] I know what you mean, girls.

Yoshinon: [wipes Yoshino's tears] There, there.

Kurumi: To think she used to be my greatest rival.

Nia: This could make for a big-selling manga.

Origami: Mana, you're truly brethren.

[Mana smiles; the alarm blares; MARIA enters]

MARIA: Trouble in Manhattan, Spirit Soldiers! There's two Demonoids on the attack!

[The monitor opens a channel to Manhattan, where a giant-sized Maggotron and Aphidrone are attacking]

Shido: Two more bug Demonoids? I bet JB sent them.

Tohka: We're gonna need major mecha power to take them out.

Mana: If there's a time you're gonna need Mana, this is it.

[Cut back to Neo-DEM HQ; JB watches the attack]

JB: Yes, Takamiya. Help your puny friends and your wimpy big brother. Because then, you'll lose your Wizard powers for good! [laughs maniacally]

[Back at the Fraxinus, everyone watches the attack on the bridge; Ryouko, Mikie, and Mildred enter]

Ryouko: What's happened, guys?

Origami: JB's at it again. Two giant Demonoids this time.

Mikie: We'll help you out. But Mana's staying.

Mildred: I have to agree with Mikie, Mana. Let the others handle it.

MARIA: Easier said than done, Mildred.

Ellen: Our scanners indicate that Maggotron and Aphidrone's power levels are dangerously high, compared to JB's previous Demonoids.

Artemisia: The decision to help the Spirit Soldiers is up to you entirely, Mana.

Mana: And I say I make my last fight as a Wizard a good one.

Shido: All right, then. Spirit Soldiers, suit up!

All 12: Sephira, GO!

[They all get suited up]

Ryouko: AST Wizards, suit up!

[She and Mikie get suited up]

[Back in the city, the Spirit Soldiers, Ryouko, Mikie, and Mana enter the scene of the attack]

Aphidrone: Ah! Spirit Soldiers, you're here at last!

Maggotron: We have orders to annihilate you!

Both Demonoids: Like this!

[They fire energy projectiles at the ground; the projectiles explode]

Maggotron: See? You're no match for me or Aphidrone!

Aphidrone: Still not convinced? How about now?!

[They stomp on the ground hard, causing it to vibrate violently]

Shido: Send in the Sephira Voyagers and the Sephira Racer!

[The Sephira Voyagers fly into the scene carrying the Sephira Racer; the Spirit Soldiers jump into the cockpits; the Sephira Racer zooms out of its carrier and assumes Battle Formation; the Sephira Voyagers combine to form the Sephira Ultra Robo]

[Cut to the Sephira Ultra Robo's cockpit with the Spirit Soldiers (minus Gold)]

Spirit Soldiers: Sephira Ultra Robo, ready!

[Cut to the Sephira Racer's cockpit with Shido]

Shido: Sephira Robo, Battle Formation, ready!

[Cut back outside; the two mecha fight the insect Demonoids]

Maggotron: Prepare to be mecha dust!

[He strikes the Sephira Racer with his long claws; the Sephira Racer strikes him with a Sephira Kick]

Maggotron: You're gonna pay for that, Gold!

[Aphidrone leaps at the Sephira Ultra Robo and slams on it hard]

Aphidrone: [fires lightning bolts from his antennae at the Sephira Ultra Robo] How about a taste of this?!

[The Sephira Ultra Robo gets zapped, but suddenly punches Aphidrone backwards]

Aphidrone: [stands on all sixes] Need a ride, Maggotron?

Maggotron: Would I ever?!

[He leaps onto Aphidrone's back and gets equipped with a staff]

Maggotron: Giddyup, Aphidrone!

[He and Aphidrone charge at the two mecha; Maggotron strikes them both with his staff swiftly]

Ryouko: Back off, Demonoids!

[She and Mikie fire blasts from their guns at the Demonoids, hitting them]

Maggotron: [swings his staff at the Wizards below] This don't concern you!

[The swing knocks Ryouko and Mikie to the ground]

Mana: Now's my chance. Equip!

[She gets equipped with Murakumo]

Mana: [whips out her twin blades and flies toward the Demonoids] This is the last you'll ever see of Mana as a Wizard! [releases a star-shaped net of air slashes upon the Demonoids] Lightning Strike Gallery!

[Maggotron repels every slash, except one, which knocks him off Aphidrone and to the ground]

Aphidrone: You little traitor! [fires lightning at Mana] I'll show you!

[Mana dodges and switches to Vanagandr; she strikes Aphidrone with her Wolftail blade]

Aphidrone: Changing gears won't save you, nor your useless brother!

[Mana growls in fury; her power levels rise]

Mana: THAT'S IT! I'll show you useless! Fenrir: Lightning Field!

[Fenrir, the mechanical jaw on her left arm, opens up and glows; she spins around in a square around Aphidrone, surrounding him with streaks of lightning]

Mana: FIRE!!

[Fenrir bombards Aphidrone with massive blasts of energy; Aphidrone screams as he takes the blasts, then engulfs in an explosion; one of his chips flies out; Mana slices it in half; Aphidrone reassembles]

Aphidrone: Screw you!

[He charges at Mana, but the Sephira Racer stabs him in the gut with its saber]

Shido: You leave my sister alone, Aphidrone!

[The Sephira Racer releases its saber, revealing Aphidrone's last chip impaled on it]

Aphidrone: Maggotron, finish them for me!

[He falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown]

Maggotron: [gets back on his feet] This one's for Aphidrone! [bites the Sephira Racer] Take this!

[He drains the Sephira Racer's energy; the Sephira Ultra Robo intervenes and strikes Maggotron with the Sephira Ultra Spear, knocking him back]

Maggotron: [unleashes energy from his staff upon the Sephira Ultra Robo] Outta my way!

[The Sephira Ultra Robo takes the blast hard and hits the ground; the Sephira Racer charges at Maggotron with its saber, but Maggotron strikes it hard with his staff, knocking it to the ground with the Sephira Ultra Robo; all 12 Spirit Soldiers fall out of the cockpits and hit the ground; the Wizards run up to them]

Mana: Big Brother! You guys okay?

Shido: I think so. Are you?

Mana: Mm-hmm.

Maggotron: What's the matter, Spirit Soldiers? Mecha run outta fuel? Stay where you are! I'll be back to finish you off later. [vanishes]

Tohka: He leaves when he has the upper hand?

Ryouko: Probably to recharge.

[Back at Neo-DEM HQ, JB turns to her Wizards as her crystal is energizing]

JB: It's now only a matter of time, Demon Soldiers. The siphoning to the crystal is nearing completion. Once Takamiya is rendered powerless,--

[Suddenly, Maggotron, back in his normal size, reappears before her]

JB: Huh?! What the hell are you doing back here, you worthless worm?!

Maggotron: I had to recharge my staff, milady.

JB: You're supposed to be fighting the Spirit Soldiers! And where's Aphidrone?!

Maggotron: The traitor and the Spirit Soldiers took him out, JB, but I had them on the ropes.

JB: What?! [groans] And you let them loose when you could've finished them off?! You call yourself a Demonoid?! Get back there and finish the job until Mana Takamiya is through! Do you understand?!!

Maggotron: As you command, milady. [vanishes]

[Back in the city, Mana's CR-Unit starts to fade]

Origami: Oh, no. Mana, your powers--

Mana: I know. They're running dry. I think this is it.

Tohka: With the mecha out of commission for the moment, we'll have to use the Sephira Enforcer to fight Maggotron when he comes back.

[Suddenly, Mana disappears in a flash of lightning]

Shido: Mana!

Kotori: Where'd she go?!

Maggotron: [off-screen] She's mine now! And when I'm done with her, you're next!

Miku: Damn it! We gotta contact the crew!

[Cut to Tuckahoe Quarry; Mana reappears, still in her unit]

Mana: [looks around] Huh? Where'd everybody go? And why am I at the quarry? Guys? Big Brother?! Anybody?!

Maggotron: [appears before her] Just you and me, kid!

Mana: Maggotron!

[She fights Maggotron, but the Demonoid is too much for her; he knocks her back with his staff, then absorbs the last of her Wizard powers with his staff, reverting her to normal]

Maggotron: You're finished, Mana Takamiya! We Demonoids have awaited this moment! Your powers are gone!

[Mana runs off to hide]

Maggotron: [laughs] You can run, but you can't hide, Mana. Just give up and let me bring you to Westcott.

[Back at Neo-DEM HQ, Westcott approaches JB]

Westcott: Is that crystal ready yet?

JB: Nearly.

[The last of Mana's powers are transferred to the crystal, fully empowering it]

JB: Yes! At last, Mana Takamiya's Wizard days are no more! The last of her powers now belong to me! And with this power, we begin the next phase of my plan: The fall of the Spirit Soldiers and the rise of my new Demon Soldiers! [laughs maniacally]

[Back at Manhattan, the Spirit Soldiers and the other Wizards are concerned]

Kotori: Not a word from the Fraxinus.

Shido: I don't believe this. My sister's in danger, and we can't get through to the crew?!

Origami: Something must be jamming communication.

[Suddenly, bolts of lightning flash]

Tohka: Hey, what's going on now?

Kurumi: Please tell me this isn't happening.

[All 12 Spirit Soldiers disappear in a flash of lightning]

Ryouko: Spirit Soldiers!

Mikie: Not them, too!

[Back at Westcott's island, the retroformed Spirit Soldiers appear in front of Westcott's skyscraper]

Miku: Where are we?

Natsumi: I don't know, but I don't like the looks of that skyscraper up front.

[Westcott and JB enter from the building; JB is carrying the crystal]

Westcott: [laughs] Welcome, Spirit Soldiers, to my new headquarters!

Shido: Westcott!

Tohka: He has his human body back!

Kotori: Almost looks exactly like it used to, except far more disheveled.

Westcott: Don't even think of suiting up. Your Sephira Braces are useless now, and the Fraxinus crew can't help you, either.

JB: With this crystal, I've sealed off your braces and the ship. No communication coming in or out. Now, dear friends, it's time to meet your replacements.

[The 10 Wizards approach with demonic versions of the Spirit Braces]

JB: Behold, my Spirit Soldiers-- The Demon Soldiers!

Wizards: Qlipha, GO!

[They all get suited up into darker, demonic versions of the Spirit Soldiers]

Demon Soldier Alabaster: Crown trooper of night! Demon Soldier Alabaster!

Demon Soldier Marengo: Wisdom trooper of hate! Demon Soldier Marengo!

Demon Soldier Graphite: Understanding trooper of mist! Demon Soldier Graphite!

Demon Soldier Navy: Coldness trooper of ice! Demon Soldier Navy!

Demon Soldier Crimson: Severity trooper of magma! Demon Soldier Crimson!

Demon Soldier Pastel: Beauty trooper of lust! Demon Soldier Pastel!

Demon Soldier Olive: Victory trooper of greed! Demon Soldier Olive!

Demon Soldier Coral: Splendor trooper of sloth! Demon Soldier Coral!

Demon Soldier Orchid: Foundation trooper of wrath! Demon Soldier Orchid!

Demon Soldier Indigo: Kingdom trooper of envy! Demon Soldier Indigo!

JB: My turn! Qlipha, GO!

[She gets suited up into a dark-silver Demon Soldier suit]

JB: Ace trooper of evil! Demon Soldier Silver! Demonic powers of 11, unite as one! Qlipha Squadron...!


[A demonic explosion is shown coming from behind them]

Tohka: They look ugly! Look at their suits!

Miku: I know! Compared to ours, it's as if the colors are faded!

Westcott: You fools were chosen to become the Spirit Soldiers to defeat me and bring peace to Earth. In contrast, JB has chosen herself and 10 Wizards to become the Demon Soldiers to serve me and bring chaos to your planet! [laughs]

Mukuro: Your evil will never win out in the end, Westcott!

Westcott: And who's going to stop me? Certainly not you. ACME Crime Net's superhero teams are no help, either. The Spider Riders, the Kaleido Gladiators, the Cosmo Cats, and the Crystal Exceeds will never stop me without you. And with your powers in my grasp and your crew unable to make contact, they won't be much help, either!

Origami: You Demon Soldiers don't know what you're doing!

Kotori: We know what Westcott's capable of! The Demonoids are gonna kill you once you've done your jobs!

Demon Soldier Crimson: Silence, Itsuka!

Demon Soldier Alabaster: No one's ever given us an opportunity like the Demonoids have.

Demon Soldier Indigo: They've promised us all their loyalty.

Tohka: The Demonoids never keep promises! And Westcott has no loyalty!

JB: All of you are starting to bug me with your bleating. We have more important matters to attend to, such as watching the end of Mana Takamiya, the now-ex-Wizard who deserted us!

Shido: What have you done to my sister?!

Westcott: She's somewhere on Earth, but she's powerless now, and of no concern to us.

JB: Just like the lot of you are now! When you return to Manhattan, you'll bear witness to the Demonoids' total domination of Earth!

[Shido grits his teeth and shakes his fists]

[Back at the quarry, Mana is hiding behind a large rock in a fetal position as Maggotron looks around for her]

Maggotron: Hiding from me is pointless, Mana. You're hopeless. The Wizard you once were is now just a memory. It's only a matter of time before I find you and bring you to Westcott. Don't you see? It's all over! Give yourself up and come out of your hiding place!

[Mana bursts into tears]

Mana: Big Brother,... where are you? Mana needs you. Mana needs you. [starts crying] Help me.

Mana: Next time: Far From Over.

Last edited by TVLubber (4/10/2024 6:50 pm)

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