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12/11/2023 11:38 pm  #1

Side-Fic 359: The Big Surprise

Rated TV-14 (DLSV)

Familiar voice: Guess who's here? You'll find out soon enough. Right now, turn on some lights in the room and sit as far from the monitor as you can.

Narrator: In New York City's fight against crime, the dedicated detectives who pursue the most vicious criminals are members of an elite unit known as ACME Crime Net.

[Lancaster, PA, Monday, November 25th, 1:11am]

[Amtrak's Pennsylvanian train is en route to New York City]

[In one of the superliners, two female figures (the taller with long red hair, the shorter with pink twin tails) approach a bedroom suite where a male figure (blue hair, lavender front highlights) is in bed looking out the window (none of the trio’s faces are shown)]

Male: Yeah?

Female A: Our roomette is pretty stuffy.

Female B: Could we sleep with you tonight?

Male: There’s plenty of space.

[The girls climb into bed with him]

Female A: I know why you didn’t hesitate. You miss her, don’t you?

Male: Am I really doing the right thing not to return her calls and texts?

Female B: Her feeling of disappointment now will only serve as joy when we see her in the morning.

Female A: This surprise will be worth it.

Male: Yeah, but still,... I wish I’d been with her from the get-go.

[The girls comfort him by nestling their heads on his shoulders]

Male: Good night.

[He and the girls lie down and fall asleep]

[Meanwhile, a pair of thieves: Arnold “Riff” Segale (played by Bradley Cooper) and Ronald “Raw” Schneider (played by Seth Green) come out the car behind the superliner completely undetected; they have crowbars on hand]

Riff: Yo, Raw, watch your step!

[Raw opens the door]

Riff: Careful!

Raw: Aw, button it up, Riff. I know what I’m doin’.

[Riff walks up to him]

Raw: What do we do now?

Riff: The young man with the pendant! Remember? He’s in that car, and we’re gonna get our hands on it and sell it to the highest bidder.

Raw: I know that, Riff, but how?

Riff: First, we uncouple the car from this, then quickly make a jump for it, then uncouple the other side. The rest of the train speeds away, leaving us alone in the guy’s car with the pendant.

Raw: Couldn’t we just get on that car first, then uncouple?

Riff: Never jump from one car to another while the car we're on is moving at this speed. We might get killed. Once this car is detached, it’ll slow down fast.

Raw: Oh. Safety first. Okay, then, let’s do it.

Riff: By all means! Please do!

Raw: [scoffs; reaches for the coupling] I don’t understand why I’m always the one doin’ all the real work around here!

[Using his crowbar, he pries the coupling loose, causing the car he’s on to slow down as the rest of the train takes off; Raw suddenly drops his crowbar; Riff pulls him back up]

Riff: Great! Now we jump!

Raw: But, Riff, my crowbar!

Riff: [hands Raw his own crowbar] We’ll come back for it! You can use mine! Now, jump!

Raw: How can I?! We’re still--!

Riff: The car with the pendant! It’s gettin’ away!

Raw: [notices the rest of the train leaving] Aw, crap!

Riff: [exasperatedly] Too late! [smacks his partner with his hat] Now look what you’ve done!

Raw: What I done?! This was your brilliant idea!

Riff: Well, at least I had one, nimrod! Just look at it, Raw! It’s too far for us to catch on foot!

[The car they’re on comes to a stop; they get off; Raw grabs his dropped crowbar and hands Riff back his]

Raw: Now what are we supposed to do?!

Riff: Shut it! I’m thinking! Now, where’s the train supposed to be heading?

Raw: Penn Station.

Riff: Then we're goin' to New York.

Raw: We can't afford a flight. We blew a bundle on the train.

[Riff eyes a nearby pickup truck]

Riff: Follow me.

[He and Raw approach the truck; they pry the cab doors open; they climb inside, hot-wire it, and start it up; they shut the doors and drive away, with Riff at the wheel]

Raw: Now, what's the significance of that pendant again? I forget.

Riff: It's a one-of-a-kind trinket: The Deep Red, an ancient Incan pendant with extraordinary powers. At least that's what the books say, but it's nonetheless rare. It was stolen from a run-down museum in the United Kingdom back in the early 19th century. The thieves swiped it from the display and blew up the joint, killing the guards inside. They threw it and all the other stolen goods in their boat and sailed away.

Raw: Oh, like real pirates.

Riff: Totes, Raw. But all of a sudden, that very night, the boat was caught in a major storm. Lightning struck the ship's gunpowder supply, causing the ship to explode. The thieves were killed in the explosion, and all the goods they stole were destroyed,... except for the pendant. It sunk to the bottom of the sea. The authorities found the bodies, but no sign of the pendant. The owners of the destroyed museum offered a reward of about a million pounds, but two centuries had passed, and no one found it. The owners had since passed away, with no heirs to their estate, and the reward was out of the question. Today, the Deep Red is worth over $200,000,000.

Raw: Damn!

Riff: And all we gotta do is find the guy, grab the pendant when he least expects it, and... [snaps his fingers]

Raw: Ingenious, Riff. Ingenious!

[Both laugh]

[132 Madison Street, Monday, November 25th, 7:43am]

[Maya looks at her framed photograph of herself and Moroha]

Maya: Oh, Moroha. Why haven't you returned my calls and texts all morning?

Mari: Maya, breakfast!

[Maya kisses Moroha's image in the photo, sets it on the nightstand, and joins Mari, Sophie, the Chipmunks, and the Chipettes at the dining table for breakfast]

Brittany: Good morning, Maya. Sleep well?

Maya: Not much after I heard what ZIEG did to Delta and Epsilon.

Alvin: I know. Shido told us everything. And it's sad, 'cause they were so close to starting over as normal sisters. If ZIEG did that to my brothers or the Chipettes, I'd never forgive him. I'd kill him a million times over until he spilled his guts, in more ways than one!

Simon: Jeez, Alvin! I know you care so much, but isn't that...?

Alvin: Too much? For some ordinary guy, yes, Simon, but for a sicko like ZIEG or Westcott,... If I could avenge the people I love, I wouldn't care what happened to me. Just like Tor when he avenged his sister's death. [serves Maya a stack of pancakes] Here you go.

Maya: Thanks, Alvin. [pours syrup on her pancakes] Has anyone heard from Moroha and the others this morning?

Sophie: No phone calls, no texts, no e-mails. I'm starting to get worried.

Mari: Frankly, so am I.

Alvin: I even tried getting in touch last night. No response.

[There is a knock at the door]

Simon: Now, who could be dropping by this early?

Brittany: I'll get it.

[She walks up to the door and peers through the keyhole; she squeals and opens the door in excitement; in burst Shizuno Urushibara and Satsuki Ranjou; Brittany embraces them one by one]

Alvin: Hey! Look who's here!

Maya: Shizuno! Satsuki!

[She runs up to the two girls and embraces them one by one]

Satsuki: Hey, Maya.

Shizuno: We really missed you, sweetie.

Maya: Ditto.

Sophie: [runs up to the two] Hey, you two! [embraces Satsuki] I knew you'd come one day!

Satsuki: Hey, Sophie!

Shizuno: [hugs Sophie] Great to see you, Sophie.

Mari: [walks up to the two] Girls, welcome back to New York.

Satsuki: [shakes hands with Mari] Thanks, Principal Shimon.

Mari: Satsuki dear, I'm not the principal anymore.

Satsuki: Oh, right. Sorry,... Mari. Three years as your student--

Shizuno: It happens. [notices Alvin] And look how big Alvin's grown!

Brittany: [stares at Satsuki's chest] Look how big Satsuki's got!

Satsuki: Too bad it's only a few more inches.

[Tokiko Kanzaki enters with Haruka Momochi]

Tokiko: Yoo-hoo!

Momochi: Miss us, too?

[Sophie squeals; she and Tokiko embrace]

Sophie: Tokiko, you came, too?!

Tokiko: I wouldn't miss this for the world, Sophie!

[She bends Sophie over and kisses her on the lips; Alvin taps Tokiko on the shoulder]

Alvin: I beg your pardon?

Tokiko: [releases from the kiss] Oh, Alvin, gimme a break. It was a long flight.

Sophie: If she wants to kiss me, she can.

Alvin: You haven't changed at all. In any case, it's great to see you again, Tokiko.

[He and Tokiko shake hands]

Tokiko: Ditto, Al. [pats Maya on the head] Hey, kiddo. What it do?

Maya: Just dandy, thank you. Hi, Momo.

Momochi: [hugs Maya] I told you we'd pull through.

Brittany: You're Miss Momochi?

Momochi: I am, but you can call me Haruka, or Momo, if that's what floats your boat. And you must be Brittany.

Brittany: Sure am.

[She and Momochi shake hands]

Alvin: Wait a sec. If the four of you are here, then where's--

[Elena Arshavina enters with two friends]

Elena: Hello!

Katya: Hello!

Yuri: Hello!

All three: Hello.

Maya: Hey, you three.

[She and Elena embrace]

Elena: Maya, you little babushka. I really missed you. Oh, you remember Katya and Yuri, don't you?

Maya: How could I forget these two?

Mari: Chipmunks, Chipettes, you already know Elena Arshavina from Russia, or Lesya, as she likes to be called. These other two are her friends Katya Eschkevna Honda and Yuri Olegvic Zhirkov.

Katya: [shakes hands with Alvin] I have waited for years to meet you, Alvin.

Yuri: Da. Katya and I love your music.

Alvin: Well, thanks, ladies. I mean, spasibo.

Sophie: Girls, if you're all here from Japan, where's Moroha?

Mari: Maya's been waiting all last night and all this morning to hear back from him.

Shizuno: Well, there was a bet, and I'm afraid Moroha lost and had to stay behind to...

[Moroha Haimura bursts in, carrying nine duffel bags]

Moroha: ...unload the bags! [drops the bags to the floor] Now, where's my little hug pillow?!

Maya: [squeals and runs up to Moroha] Moroha!

[She and Moroha embrace; Maya cries tears of joy]

Maya: I got so worried when you didn't return my calls.

Moroha: I know, and I'm sorry. I've got a lot of explaining to do.

[Maya continues hugging him]

Mari: Maya!

Sophie: Maya, come on! There are other women in his harem!

[Moroha and Maya laugh and release; Moroha and Sophie embrace]

Sophie: I'm so glad you made it, Moroha.

Moroha: Thanks, Sophie.

Mari: Welcome back, old friend.

Moroha: Mari.

[He and Mari embrace]

Alvin: Moroha, we meet again.

Moroha: Al.

[They bump fists]

[Shiroi "Nelly" Usako enters with her purse]

Nelly: Can you believe how much Uber charged us?

Mari: Nelly?!

Nelly: [laughs] Hey, Mari.

[They embrace]

Brittany: Who's this woman?

Mari: This is my upperclassman from when I attended the academy-- Shiroi Usako.

Nelly: Friends call me Nelly. [shakes hands with Alvin and Brittany] Alvin, Brittany, it's a pleasure to meet you in person.

Maya: Look at us! The whole family, back together again!

Satsuki: What have you kids been doing since we were here the last time?

Alvin: Oh, lots.

Sophie: Why haven't you guys called?

Moroha: Well, we wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, we were on the plane. We couldn't exchange calls.

[There is a confusion of overlapping questions and answers all around]

Mari: Okay, hold it, guys. Hold it! HOLD IT!

[Everyone calms down]

Mari: Thank you. Now, let's all sit down for breakfast and talk one at a time, me first.

Nelly: Oh, Mari.

[Everyone hangs up their coats and sits down; Moroha sits beside Maya at the dining table]

Theodore: Guess we'll have to make some more pancakes.

Eleanor: I agree. Let's go.

[She and Theodore head for the kitchen]

Maya: Care for some pancakes, Moroha? You must be famished.

Moroha: Thanks, Maya. I'd love some.

Simon: [hands Moroha a stack of pancakes] Here you go.

Moroha: Thank you, Simon.

Alvin: I bet it was a pretty long flight, huh?

Moroha: We didn't even land in JFK. We had to fly all the way to Pittsburgh to meet Nelly at the train station.

Nelly: I had gone there to attend a friend's wedding. Anyway, Moro and the others were so tired, they slept through most of the ride.

Satsuki: Shizuno and I slept with Big Brother last night to keep him company. He was feeling guilty about being so secretive.

Moroha: Maya, can you ever forgive me?

Maya: Of course I do. What's important is that we're together again.

Sophie: So what made you guys decide to fly all the way here?

Shizuno: For some reason, the Demonoids in Japan fell back and disappeared. After a few hours of quiet, we gave up waiting and made our way to New York.

[As Moroha starts eating, Tor and Shido arrive downstairs from the rooftop]

Shido: Hey, Al. Any pancakes left?

Alvin: Yours will be ready in a few.

Tor: Thanks. [notices Moroha; surprised] Yo!

Shido: [also surprised] Yo!

Moroha: [stands up] Yo!

[The three men embrace]

Shido: I can't believe it!

Tor: The bros are back together again!

Moroha: It's so good to see you fellas again.

Shido: Alvin, why didn't you tell us Moroha was coming?

Alvin: He didn't tell us, either. He wanted to surprise us.

[The female Exceeds rush out of their room]

Tomoe: They're here?!

Miyabi: What a surprise!

[Tomoe and Satsuki embrace; Miyabi and Shizuno do the same; Julie and Tokiko shake hands; Lilith and Elena kiss Italian-style]

Tomoe: Guys, I'm shocked.

Satsuki: You're shocked? The rest of us were just as shocked when we heard your group joined ACME Crime Net. [whispers in Tomoe's ear] And that you guys are no longer virgins.

Tomoe: Jeez, Satsuki.

Imari: Can you imagine that? Two harems in one warehouse?

[The girls of Shido's group comes out of their guest room]

Tsukimi: Make that three, Imari.

Tohka: Oh, my God! Look who's here!

[She and Shizuno embrace]

Tohka: Shizuno, I missed you so! It's so good to see you again!

Shizuno: The feeling's mutual, Tohka. By the way, I heard the news. Congratulations!

Tohka: Thank you so much.

Kotori: Satsuki Ranjou?!

Satsuki: [embraces Kotori] We meet again, Kotori.

[They stare at each other's chests]

Kotori: You've gotten a bit bigger.

Satsuki: No offense, but I wish you were the same way.

[Kotori sports an embarrassed expression]

Mukuro: [shakes hands with Tokiko] Mukuro Hoshimiya.

Tokiko: Tokiko Kanzaki.

Momochi: [shakes hands with Natsumi] Haruka.

Natsumi: Hi. Natsumi.

Nia: [shakes hands with Nelly] I'm Nia Honjou.

Nelly: Shiroi Usako. But just call me Nelly.

Moroha: Who knew this warehouse could be so packed?

Shido: Well, my group is only here temporarily. Until the Demonoid threat here dies down, we're needed to help take 'em out.

Moroha: Hey, I'm sure we can lend a hand.

Shido: But there's more. You see, Mana and I-- Our real parents were on a flight from here to Mongolia almost 30 years ago, when the plane disappeared without a trace.

Moroha: [sympathetically] Damn. That's messed up.

Shido: And somehow ZIEG knows about it.

Moroha: Seeing as most of the Demonoid generals were reincarnated from humans, chances are, this one could be one of the passengers.

Shido: I wish it were that simple, but before we found out our parents were dead, one of the Demonoids ZIEG sent said he might've known about them.

Moroha: Hey, one way or the other, Shido, you'll find out. [pats him on the back] Trust me.

[Sophie secretly taps on her phone]

Satsuki: Sophie, what are you up to?

Sophie: Shh. Don't let Moroha know, but... [whispers in Satsuki's ear]

Satsuki: Oh. Right. Gotcha.

[Neo-DEM HQ, 8:00am]

Westcott: Who knew those Akane Academy visitors would have more friends coming?

Nervadrone: [shows Westcott documents] Master, I tapped into the academy's student database and discovered the dossiers of three of the students who are currently staying at the warehouse with the Spirit Soldiers.

Westcott: [observes the documents] Hmm. Moroha Haimura, class of 2018, reincarnated from two: Knight Fraga and Shu Saura. Shizuno Urushibara, class of 2018, reincarnated from the Netherworld Sorceress, lover of Shu Saura. Satsuki Ranjou, class of 2018, reincarnated from Fraga's younger sister Sarasha.

Nervadrone: Haimura is currently in a close relationship with the two girls, along with, at the very least, seven other women, including a child prodigy. But jeez. What it is with these men, anyway, never sticking with one girl?

Westcott: Enough! Now, if you have an idea as to what your next move is, speak up.

Nervadrone: We hijack one of the girls and ransom her for Haimura.

Westcott: I've got just the one.

[He picks up his tablet and shows a photo of Maya]

Westcott: This one. She helped to destroy one of my Demonoids when he was on the verge of defeating the Spirit Soldiers.

Nervadrone: I'll send Aquamech.

[132 Madison Street, 8:44am]

[The gang watches a PIX11 Morning News report covering an incident at Amtrak]

Reporter: In other news, Amtrak reports that the Pennsylvanian, which had arrived at Penn Station from Pittsburgh earlier this morning, had been a victim of a breakaway. The rearmost car was mysteriously uncoupled--

Moroha: Hey, didn't we get off that same train?

Shizuno: And wasn't that car just behind ours?

Satsuki: I'm surprised none of us felt a jerk.

Maya: You guys must've been very heavy sleepers.

Sophie: But who'd do something like that?

Elena: Demonoid, maybe?

Tokiko: I don't think they're that capable, Lesya.

Momochi: If they were after our train, they'd try to destroy the whole thing rather than uncouple one car.

Shido: But what if there were common thieves on the train?

Tor: C'mon. It's not like you guys had anything of value with you.

Moroha: Well, about that part,...

[He extracts a red Incan pendant from behind his sweater, worn around his neck]

Simon and Jeanette: [gasps] The Deep Red!

Alvin: Deep Red? What kind of name is that for a pendant?

Mari: It's the English term for "Akane", like the name of our school. In Peru, where it originated, it was called the Rojo Oscuro, or Rojoscuro, for short.

Simon: Jeanette and I have read books about the Deep Red at the public library back in L.A. The stories say that the Incas created the pendant from a dragon's fang, fox fur, swan and phoenix feathers, and a pronghorn horn. It tapped into the moonlight and unleashed incredible powers beyond anything the Incas had ever witnessed. But the Incas knew that with great power comes great responsibility, and they feared that the pendant would fall into the wrong hands. So they buried it deep underground.

Jeanette: But sometime in the early 19th century, British explorers traveled to Peru, explored the Machu Picchu, and unearthed the Deep Red. They had heard its stories, but rather than harness its power, they simply put it on display at a museum. Unfortunately, just months later, a group of greedy bandits broke into the museum late at night and stole the pendant, among other things of value. They blew up the museum with a bomb on their way out. The night guards inside didn't survive.

Mari: The bandits loaded their loot in their boat and sailed away, unaware of an impending storm. By nightfall, they were hardly out of sight when the storm hit, and a bolt of lightning struck the ship where the gunpowder was stored, causing it to explode. Most of the stolen artifacts were destroyed, and none of the bandits survived. Only one artifact remained intact. The Deep Red. It sunk deep into the ocean floor. After the storm cleared, authorities found the bandits' bodies, but they never found the pendant. The owners of the lost museum posted a hefty reward to the one who found it. But two centuries passed, and the owners, who had no heirs, had passed on, the search was called off, and the reward was forgotten. Nobody found the pendant. That is, until 20 years ago, when my father discovered the pendant and brought it home. He washed it down and gave it a new strap, and handed it to me. Don't remember why, but he did.

Maya: And 10 years later, she passed it on to me, telling me to one day give it to someone who holds a special place in my heart. And sure enough, when I was 10, I found that someone. Moroha Haimura.

Moroha: It was my 16th birthday, and after the party, before Maya and I went to bed, she had one more surprise for me. [points at the pendant] This.

[He has a flashback of that very night when Maya gave him the Deep Red]

Maya: It's called the Deep Red. Mari gave it to me in hopes that I'd find a special someone to give it to. And, of course, that special someone was you.

Moroha: [in tears] It's beautiful, Maya. Thank you so much.

[They embrace]

Moroha: [present] I never forgot that moment, and I never will.

[Back to the present]

Moroha: Whenever we go out together, I'd always wear the pendant for good luck. [sighs] But I'm not sure why a thief would want this. How much does it go for?

Simon: A rumored $200,000,000.

Yuri: You'd better keep pendant in hiding, Moroha.

Moroha: [removes the pendant] Okay, but who knows what'll happen when I next take Maya out?

Simon: Trust me, you don't need a lucky charm to have a good time.

Theodore: [sighs] First my lucky dime, now this?

Jeanette: Mind if I take a look at it?

Moroha: [hands her the pendant] Not at all.

Jeanette: I'll run a scan down at the lab, then contact Tyler Steele.

[She removes the rug from above the trap door to the lab and opens it; she heads downstairs to the lab; Moroha's group is amazed]

Elena: Now I've seen everything.

Simon: We keep that door a secret to strangers and enemies. We've had that lab since a few weeks after Bambi bought the warehouse.

Satsuki: Hey, Theodore, I couldn't help overhearing. What's that about a lucky dime?

Theodore: One day, in school, I was practicing for the annual athletic competition and wasn't doing great. Then all of a sudden, I found a dime on the ground. I soon started improving my form, I soon got a girl-- Something only Alvin is capable of in my immediate family. Anyway, Heidi and I started going out, and I kept getting better while practicing for the games, losing a few pounds along the way. All that because I had a lucky dime. But when the games started, I lost the dime. Simon tried to convince me that lucky charms don't exist. I still refused to believe him, but all of a sudden, I thought I saw a snake and ran as fast as I could in the race, and I won.

Simon: Satsuki, Theodore may be telling you the truth, but I'm certain that his dime wasn't lucky. Theodore had been getting better by himself.

Theodore: Except Heidi moved on from dating me after a while. She sent me a note. I threw it away soon after. We're still friends, though.

Shizuno: Simon, as far as I'm concerned, luck happens, good or bad. It just has to be believed.

[The alarm blares]

Shido: Well, that's just great.

Jeanette: [over PA] Bandersnatch are approaching the warehouse from above! There's tons of them! Get to the roof fast!

Moroha: We'll keep an eye on things down here. You guys go on ahead.

Tor: You got it, buddy.

Shido: Don't worry. We'll take care of 'em.

[His and Tor's groups head up to the roof where they encounter a large Bandersnatch army]

Tor: Aw, crap. So many on one roof!

Lilith: It's a good thing this roof is sturdy.

Shido: Let's suit up, guys!

Shido's group: Sephira, GO!

[They all get suited up]

Tor's group: Blaze morph!

[They all get suited up]

[All 19 whip out their side-arms]

Spririt Soldiers: Spirit Pistols!

Crystal Exceeds: Blaze Busters!

All 19: FIRE!

[They all open fire upon the Bandersnatch, hitting a fraction of them in the emblems]

Tor: This one's gonna take some Ranger power. [to his team] Let's go Mighty Morphin!

All six Exceeds: [press the MMPR button on the Ranger app on their Blaze Phones] It's Morphin time!

[They all morph into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and whip out the Power Weapons]

Tor: Power Sword!

Imari: Dragon Dagger!

Lilith: Power Axe!

Tomoe: Power Lance!

Miyabi: Power Daggers!

Julie: Power Bow!

Shido: Let's follow suit, girls!

[All 13 Spirit Soldiers whip out their own weapons]

Shido: Spirit Knuckles!

Mana: Sephira Blade!

Origami: Spirit Launcher!

Nia: Spirit Slinger!

Kurumi: Spirit Musket!

Yoshino: Spirit Axe!

Kotori: Spirit Lance!

Mukuro: Spirit Halberd!

Natsumi: Spirit Broomstick!

Kaguya and Yuzuru: Spirit Crossbow!

Miku: Spirit Shamisen!

Tohka: Spirit Saber!

All 19: CHARGE!!

[They all fight the remaining Bandersnatch w/their weapons; Shido bashes five units in the emblems with his Spirit Knuckles; Tor slices five in half w/his Power Sword; Lilith and Yoshino chop the heads off of two units each w/their axes; Kotori and Tomoe spin their lances and whack five units each in the emblems with them; back at Neo-DEM HQ, Westcott watches the fight]

Westcott: It's time. Captain Omen, report!

[He receives a transmission from Captain Omen]

Omen: Aye, Mr. Westcott.

Westcott: Send in your Ensignoids to the front of the warehouse and lure the Akane Academy Saviors into battle. Once they're occupied, Aquamech will do his job and bring me the youngest one to ransom for the one male.

Omen: Interesting plan, sir, but I think he should bring the child to my Gullveig Galleon.

Westcott: Hmm... Very well. But here are a few ground rules. #1: Threaten the Saviors in any way you can, but don't kill the girl, or the plan will be for nothing.

Omen: Aye-aye, sir! Captain Omen out!

[Back at the warehouse, in the lab, Moroha's group, along with Jeanette and Eleanor, watch the Spirit Soldiers and Crystal Exceeds in action]

Sophie: Who'd have thought Tor and his harem would harness the power of the Morphin Grid?

Moroha: And their teaming up with the Spirit Soldiers-- They can't lose now!

[Suddenly, the alarm blares again]

Tokiko: Now what?

[The monitor opens a channel to just outside the warehouse entrance]

Jeanette: Ensignoids!

Shizuno: Who are they?

Eleanor: They're robotic footsoldiers working under the space pirate Captain Omen.

[Jeanette shows Omen's rap sheet]

Jeanette: He's been wanted in many galaxies for multiple raids, robberies, and murders. Earth is his latest target, and he's out to get his revenge on the Exceeds for killing his master, who killed Julie's father.

Moroha: I think it's time we Saviors went into battle ourselves. Ladies?

[The girls in his group nod]

Jeanette: We'll stand by.

[Moroha's group heads outside to face the Ensignoids]

Satsuki: Wow. Some army.

Momochi: Not so long as we have teamwork.

Mari: Let's do it, guys!

[Maya extracts her crystal; Moroha, Satsuki, Shizuno, Elena, Momochi, Sophie, Tokiko, Katya, and Yuri whip out their ID tags]

Moroha: [imbues his tag with prana] Salatiga, come to me!

[His tag takes the form of Salatiga]

Satsuki: [imbues her tag with prana] Arciel!

[Her tag takes the form of her sword Arciel]

Shizuno: [imbues her tag with prana] Nargravitz!

[Her tag takes the form of her Dragon Cane Nargravitz]

Elena: [imbues her tag with prana] Leprazam!

[Her tag takes the form of the Magic Sword Leprazam]

[The others (minus) imbue their tags with prana, with their tags taking form of the following:
Tokiko: Scepter
Sophie: Kanabo
Momochi, Katya, Yuri: Sword]

Maya: Protect us all, Field of Dreams!

[Her crystal unleashes the Field of Dreams, surrounding the battlefield]

Moroha: Let's go!

[They all charge at the Ensignoids and fight them rigorously w/their weapons (or in the case of Nelly and the Shimons, their bodies)]

Nelly: I don't need a weapon to prove to you I'm one tough cookie!

Mari: You can tell this Captain Omen guy not to screw with the Crystal Exceeds, nor us Saviors!

[Moroha and Satsuki slice and dice a dozen Ensignoids w/their swords, then swap swords and slice another dozen]

Shizuno: [unleashes a freezing spell upon 10 units] Let's see how they feel when their circuits freeze.

[The 10 units become frozen solid]

Shizuno: Slice 'em, Lesya!

Elena: Da!

[She slices half of frozen units in half]

Tokiko: [unleashes a flaming spell] Incinerate!

[The remaining five frozen units melt from the flames of Tokiko's spell]

[As the fight continues, a liquid substance creeps into the scene]

Sophie: Let's try this move out!

[She sticks her kanabo to the ground straight up, then swings her body around on it, kicking numerous attacking Ensignoids with every revolution]

Tokiko: That's my Sophie! Never lose your touch!

Sophie: [lands on her feet] Never have, never will, Toki.

[They bump fists]

Maya: [flips four units on their backs to the ground] Even after battling a ton of Demonoids, you still haven't lost it!

[Suddenly, the liquid substance creeps up behind Maya and takes the form of the Demonoid Aquamech, then grabs Maya from behind and covers her mouth, muffling her cries for help]

Aquamech: Gotcha now!

[Mari is the first to notice]

Mari: Maya! Let her go, Demonoid!

Aquamech: Not just now, bitch! We'll release her once you give us what we want. Captain Omen will send you a message shortly.

Maya: [still muffled] Mari, don't listen to him!

[Aquamech vanishes, taking Maya with him]

[On board the Gullveig Galleon in the sky, Aquamech, still holding Maya, appears before Captain Omen]

Aquamech: I got her, Captain!

Omen: Tie her to the mast.

[Aquamech ties Maya to the main mast; Omen approaches her at swordpoint]

Omen: Now, me dear young lady, here's my proposition. If your friends turn your beloved Mr. Haimura over to Isaac Westcott, I'll set you free. If not,... it's the plank!

Maya: Moroha will never surrender to the Demonoids! I know him too well!

Omen: But think how upset he'll be if he never saw you again. And your sister-- What will she think?

[Maya blows a raspberry at him]

[Back outside the warehouse on the ground, the rest of the gang has taken out the Ensignoids]

Momochi: Didn't break much of a sweat.

Satsuki: We can do this job just as easily as the Exceeds.

Moroha: Chalk up another victory for the Strikers.

[He notices Mari on her knees]

Moroha: Mari, what's wrong?

Shizuno: [looks around] Hey, guys, where's Maya?

Mari: A Demonoid took her by surprise.

Satsuki: Then this battle was just a distraction?!

Moroha: [tosses his sword to the ground before it disappears] SH*T! I should've kept a closer eye on her.

Tokiko: With tons of Ensignoids attacking us? Babe, there's nothing any of us could've done.

Sophie: And if Jin were still here, he'd agree.

[The Spirit Soldiers and Crystal Exceeds jump off from the roof and join the gang; they revert to normal]

Shido: What happened out here?

Moroha: There was a large fleet of Ensignoids.

Tor and Julie: Omen!

Mari: While most of us were distracted, one of the Demonoids kidnapped my sister. He said something about us giving him something the Demonoids want in exchange for Maya's life.

Tohka: But why Maya? She's just a kid.

[A note in a bottle falls from the sky and lands on Elena's head]

Elena: Ow!

[She catches the bottle]

Elena: Whoever kidnapped Maya needn't throw things.

[She uncorks the bottle and pulls out the note; she hands it to Sophie]

Sophie: [reads the note] "If you want little Shimon back, surrender Moroha Haimura to the Demonoids. Should you refuse, the girl will walk the plank and meet her doom. The choice is up to you. Haimura's freedom or Shimon's life. Meet the Demonoids at Central Park by 9:00am. Captain Omen."

Moroha: I say we do their bidding.

Satsuki: Big Brother, you can't! Maya wouldn't want that!

Shizuno: Moroha, I'm as concerned for little Maya as you are, but you're essential to our team.

Moroha: I'm sorry, Shizuno. But friends and family come first. How can I ever forgive myself if I don't put my life on the line for Maya's?

Elena: But if you do, we might never see you again.

Moroha: Emphasis on "might", Lesya. If I don't, I guarantee we'll never see Maya again.

Tomoe: Even in one of your darkest hours, Moroha, you think selflessly.

Origami: You are truly brethren. A true hero.

Mari: We gotta get to Central Park immediately.

[Central Park, 9:00am]

[Westcott and Nervadrone wait with an army of Bandersnatch units and Aquamech; the Gullveig Galleon is hovering overhead; Omen holds a shackled Maya at swordpoint, near the plank; Moroha approaches the scene]

Westcott: Oh, so you decided to come alone.

Nervadrone: Brave young man.

Moroha: Save it! If you want me, you got me! Just let Maya go!

[He holds out his hands]

Nervadrone: Aquamech, seize him.

[Aquamech liquifies and slithers up to Moroha from behind, then takes his Demonoid form and grabs him from behind]

Aquamech: Now I have you, Haimura!

Westcott: You'll make an excellent Demonoid, seeing as you were reincarnated from two powerful beings. Omen, you know what to do!

[Omen, still holding Maya at swordpoint, forces Maya to walk to the end of the plank as the ship rises 100 more feet]

Moroha: No! Maya!

Westcott: This is her punishment for destroying one of my Demonoids when he came so close to defeating the Spirit Soldiers.

Omen: Any last words, Shimon?

Maya: [secretly casts a Transportal spell] So long, sucker.

[Appearing through the portal are Shizuno and Satsuki, who kick Omen back onto his ship, grab Maya, and fly her safely back down to the ground and vaporize her shackles]

Omen: [growls] Blast! So close!

Moroha: That's my girls!

Aquamech: Too bad for you, buddy! You're coming with me!

[Suddenly, Momochi stabs Aquamech in the head with her sword; Aquamech screams and releases Moroha]

Moroha: Thanks, Momo!

Momochi: [pulls her sword out] Are you all right?

Moroha: Never better.

Shizuno: Are you okay, Maya?

Satsuki: I should've known Captain Omen wouldn't spare you.

Maya: I am now. Thanks, you guys.

[Moroha and Momochi approach the three]

Moroha: Shizuno, Satsuki, thanks a bunch.

[The two girls smile; Moroha and Maya embrace]

Moroha: Maya, I'm glad you're all right.

Maya: Samesies for you.

[The rest of Moroha's group gathers with them]

Mari: Nice work, Maya! But why didn't you use Transportal sooner while you were held hostage?

Maya: I'd be arousing suspicion if I did. I just wanted to make Omen think he had it won.

Nelly: But at the risk of getting killed?

Maya: I had faith in Satsuki and Shizuno.

[The two girls wink; Mari and Nelly smile]

Nervadrone: Aquamech, Bandersnatch, seize them! All of them!

[Aquamech and the Bandersnatch charge at Moroha's group, until the Spirit Soldiers and Crystal Exceeds appear and block their path]

Tor: You'll have to get through us first!

Shido: And we won't be merciful!

Westcott: Get them!

[Aquamech and the Bandersnatch charge at the gang, who fight them with all they've got]

Westcott: Come, Nervadrone. We've got planning to do.

Nervadrone: Yes, sir.

[They vanish]

Tor: C'mon, boys! Let's give Aquamech just what he deserves!

Shido: I'm with you, brah!

Moroha: Right on!

[All three of them charge at Aquamech]

Aquamech: [liquifies himself] Don't think so!

[In his liquified form, he rotates around the three young men]

Moroha: Careful, fellas. This is how he got me and Maya.

[The trio stands their ground, their backs against each other]

Shido: The way I see it, he won't take us by surprise now.

Tor: 'Kay, Shido. Break out your spear!

Shido: Roger. Sephira Spear!

[His spear appears]

Shido: Stay close, fellas!

Aquamech: [growls impatiently] That does it! [takes his normal form] I'll just have to destroy you three the hard way!

[He lunges at the trio]

Shido: [spins his spear around] Sephira Supernova Slash!

[He strikes Aquamech w/his spear, knocking him back]

Tor: Crystal Katana, Laevateinn!

[He bisects Aquamech w/his katana]

Moroha: [empowers Salatiga] Salatiga, Ars Magna!

[His sword glows brightly; Moroha swings it clockwise, then strikes Aquamech in an X formation; Aquamech screams, falls to the ground, and engulfs in a massive explosion; the girls have finished off the Bandersnatch when they notice Moroha landing the finishing blow on Aquamech]

Satsuki: All right! He did it!

Shizuno: That's our Moroha!

Maya: [jumps up] YIPPEE!

Moroha: That's it for him.

Tor: That's assuming you took out both his chips.

[After the smoke clears, Aquamech is in pieces, but one of his chips is still intact]

Shido: Hang on! I got this!

Omen: [from his ship above] Giga Beam!

[He fires from his own Giga Beam handheld laser at the remains of Aquamech (just before Shido can get near the chip), restoring and enlarging him]

Aquamech: You gotta do better than that to destroy me, Haimura!

Tohka: Damn it! Where'd Omen get his own Giga Beam?

Tomoe: Long story, Tohka.

Tor: The Strikers can sit this one out.

Shido: MARIA, teleport Moroha's group back to the warehouse immediately.

MARIA: I'm on it, Shido.

Moroha: Good luck, you guys.

[He and his group are teleported out]

Exceeds: Blaze Borgs, assemble!

[The Blaze Borgs charge into the scene]

Exceeds: Combine!

[The Blaze Borgs combine to form the Exceed Blaze King; the core Exceeds jump into the cockpit]

Imari: Diamond Dragon, descend!

[The Diamond Dragon flies into the scene; Imari jumps into the cockpit]

Imari: Convert to Fighter Mode!

[The Diamond Dragon assumes Fighter Mode]

Spirit Soldiers: Send in the Sephira Robo!

[Sephira Voyagers Gold, White, Blue, Red, Fuchsia, and Violet fly into the scene and combine to form the Sephira Robo; the Spirit Soldiers jump into the cockpit; all the three mecha face Aquamech]

Aquamech: Oh, it's three against one? No problem for a Demonoid.

[He spews black liquid upon the three mecha, zapping them all]

Imari: Damn, this guy's fast.

Tor: Power levels are dropping!

Tomoe: No way is he gonna beat us with the first move!

Shido: We're gonna need the saber!

[The Sephira Robo gets equipped with its saber; the Blaze King gets equipped with its Crystal Javelin; the Diamond Dragon gets equipped with its sword Blaze]

Shido: Here we go!

[The three mecha strike Aquamech w/their weapons; Aquamech shakes off the damage and laughs]

Aquamech: Guess that first spew wasn't enough. Time to go all-out!

[He spews a much larger wave of his black liquid upon the three mecha, zapping them all more than ever; their power levels start dropping further]

Aquamech: [laughs maniacally] You're gonna pay dearly for ruining Master Westcott's plan to make a new Demonoid general out of Moroha Haimura, and for foiling the Shimon girl's execution!

[Cut to the Exceed Blaze King's cockpit]

Miyabi: He just won't quit, will he?

Julie: I say we call on the Blaze Beasts.

Tor: Roger that. Break out those coins, ladies!

[He and the other four Exceeds whip out their Crystal Coins]

Exceeds: Crystal Coins, ready! Summon Blaze Beasts!

[Outside, the Blaze Beasts enter the scene and strike Aquamech one by one]

Exceeds: Combine!

[The Blaze Beasts combine to form the Primal Blaze King and gets equipped with its Primal Katana]

Exceeds: Autopilot, engaged!

[They jump into the Primal Blaze King's cockpit]

Spirit Soldiers: Sephira Battle Jet!

[The Sephira Battle Jet enters the scene; the Sephira Battle Jet combines with the Sephira Robo to form the Sephira Ultra Robo]

Aquamech: [assumes his liquified form] Not even these mecha can get past me!

[He slithers toward the Sephira Ultra Robo and Primal Blaze King; the Sephira Ultra Robo and Primal Blaze King nod at each other, then stick their weapons on the liquified Aquamech, electrifying him; Aquamech screams and reverts to normal]

Exceeds: Primal Katana, Primal Slash! FINAL ATTACK!

[The Primal Blaze King strikes Aquamech w/its glowing katana]

Lilith: Just one more move, and the Spirit Soldiers can finish him off!

Tor: Imari, ready to rock?!

Imari: As long as the energy levels allow it.

All six Exceeds: Combine!

[The Diamond Dragon converts to armor and attaches to the Primal Blaze King; the Primal Katana combines with the Diamond Dragon's tail]

[Cut to the cockpit w/all six Exceeds]

Exceeds: Primal Blaze Dragon King!

Tor: Never thought we'd use this formation again.

Kotori: [through intercom] You never told us about that combo before!

Tomoe: Just something new we picked up over the summer.

Miyabi: We've got a lot to fill you guys in on.

Tor: Enough chatter, guys. Let's put Aquamech out to pasture!

[Outside, Aquamech faces the Primal Blaze Dragon King]

Aquamech: Don't you come near me, Exceeds!

[The Primal Blaze Dragon King takes to the sky, then kicks Aquamech to the ground]

Exceeds: Dragon Breath!

[The Primal Blaze Dragon King unleashes white dragon flames upon Aquamech, hitting him hard]

Exceeds: [channel their souls into the Dragon Katana] Dragon Katana, Ultimate Strike! FINAL ATTACK!

[The Primal Blaze Dragon King's katana glows as it takes to the sky again; it then dives down toward Aquamech and bisects him hard with its katana, electrifying him]

Tor: Finish him, Shido!

Shido: Sephira Ultra Spear!

Spirit Soldiers: Emission Strike!

[The Sephira Ultra Robo impales Aquamech with its empowered spear before he can strike, causing particles to spread into his body and shatter his remaining chip; the Sephira Ultra Robo releases Aquamech; Aquamech screams as he splits in half, then engulfs in a massive explosion]

[Split-screen to both cockpits]

Exceeds: Checkmate!

Shido: Termination complete! Sephira Squadron...

All Spirit Soldiers: Spirit Soldiers!

[Back on board the Gullveig Galleon, Omen is furious]

Omen: Blast them all! Crystal Exceeds, Spirit Soldiers, don't think you've won this war! You haven't seen or heard the last of Captain Omen!

[The galleon flies out of sight]

[Back at Neo-DEM HQ, Westcott receives a transmission from Omen]

Westcott: This would never have happened if you hadn't insisted that the girl be brought to your ship, Omen.

Omen: As if any of us could anticipate the girl would use Transportal to escape her death, which still would have happened even if we stuck with your original plan.

Westcott: No more excuses. [ends the transmission] Those Akane Academy Saviors will pay for this one day. [clenches his fist] And so will the Crystal Exceeds, and the Spirit Soldiers.

[132 Madison Street, 11:53am]

[The whole gang (back to normal) is gathered for lunch; Maya tells her side of what happened to the Chipmunks and the Chipettes]

Maya: Just as Aquamech seized Moroha, Omen forced Maya to the end of the plank, but at the last second, thanks to my Transportal spell, I was able to summon Satsuki and Shizuno to rescue me while Momo saved Moroha.

Brittany: Maya, you sly fox, you!

[She playfully bumps Maya's shoulder with her fist]

Alvin: I couldn't have done better myself.

[Sophie gets a notification on her phone]

Sophie: Oh! Just in time! Excuse me, guys. I've got a delivery waiting outside. Tokiko, I'm gonna need a hand.

Tokiko: Hey, no prob.

[She and Tokiko head outside]

Moroha: What's Sophie up to?

Tor: Whatever it is, it must be really big.

Sophie: Thank you, and have a good holiday.

[She and Tokiko enter the warehouse with a large and wide birthday cake with 20 lit candles]

Moroha: Whoa! A big cake?!

Sophie and Tokiko: Surprise!

[Everyone else sets off party poppers]


[Sophie and Tokiko carefully place the cake atop the dining table]

Sophie: Okay, everybody! 1, 2, 3,...

Everyone else: [sings] Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, dear Moroha.
Happy birthday to you!

[Moroha blows out all 20 candles]

Moroha: Sophie, you totally got me!

Sophie: You know I'd never forget your birthday, baby. Besides, even though your birthday's almost over in Tokyo, it's not quite over yet here in New York. We have the whole day to celebrate.

Moroha: Thanks, Sophie. Thank you so much.

[He and Sophie embrace]

Sophie: [kisses Moroha] Happy birthday, Moroha.

[Maya hands Moroha a wrapped box]

Maya: Here, Moroha. Maya's gift to you.

Moroha: Aw, thanks, Maya.

[He unwraps the gift, opens the box, and looks at its contents]

Moroha: Holy cow!

[He extracts from the box a new white robe with Moroha's name in Japanese characters on the back and an M on the left side]

Maya: Maya had to get that robe personalized. It barely managed to get here yesterday afternoon.

Moroha: It's very thoughtful, Maya. Thank you.

[He kisses Maya]

Maya: You're welcome. Happy 20th.

[Everyone else hands out gifts to Moroha; Moroha opens them one by one, admiring each one and thanking whoever gave it to him with a handshake, a hug, a kiss, and/or a fist-bump; later, Sophie starts serving the cake]


[In Moroha's group's guest room, Moroha, in his new robe, sits on the bed]

Moroha: Perfect fit, and very warm.

[Maya, in a blue nightgown, comes out of the bathroom drying her hair; she sets her ribbon on the nightstand and sits beside Moroha]

Maya: I'm glad you like the robe.

Moroha: Thanks. And I'm glad I get to share a bed with my hug pillow again.

[Maya giggles and lies down on Moroha's lap]

Moroha: [strokes Maya's hair] But you know something, Maya? While I was away, I'd been sharing a bed with Shizuno and Satsuki.

Maya: I bet you prefer them over Maya as your hug pillow. Shizuno in particular.

Moroha: Actually, pumpkin, I was her hug pillow. But even though she and Satsuki were very comfy, I really missed you, little angel. That's why they slept with me, so I wouldn't be lonely.

Maya: You know, while you were gone, Maya had been through a lot. I helped Brittany fight off a gang of aristocratic bullies, and I even brought down a Demonoid, thanks to that tag you gave me.

Moroha: Your sister and Sophie told me everything. That was really dangerous. But you were very brave. I'm so proud of you.

Maya: [sits up] You mean it?

Moroha: From the bottom of my heart.

Maya: [close to tears] Oh, Moroha.

[They embrace; Moroha and Maya get under the covers; Moroha embraces her; Maya blushes and giggles]

Maya: I'm so glad we're together again. [kisses Moroha]

Moroha: Me, too. [kisses Maya] Sleep tight, Maya. [falls asleep]

Maya: [falls asleep] Good night, Moroha.

[Shizuno and Satsuki enter the room and notice Moroha and Maya sleeping peacefully]

Shizuno: It's nice to see those two together again.

Satsuki: Next time we have to go into battle, we’ll take Maya with us.

[They approach the bed; Shizuno kisses Maya good night, then does the same to Moroha]

Shizuno: Sweet dreams.

[She and Satsuki climb into the bed adjacent to Moroha and Maya's]

Maya: [in her sleep] Maya loves you, Moroha. Maya loves you so much.

[She wraps her arms around Moroha's waist]

Maya: Maya will always be with you.

[Allentown, PA, 10:59pm]

[Riff and Raw sit in an alley eating sandwiches]

Raw: Great plan, Einstein. We hot-wire a truck to get to New York, only for it to get towed after we arrive in Allentown.

Riff: Don't look at me, Raw. You're the one who wanted to stop at 7-Eleven to get all this food. By the time we got out, the car got towed.

Raw: I was hungry, man! You expect us to swipe the Deep Red on an empty stomach?

[Riff shakes his head in disgust]

Raw: You're just lucky it got towed when it was parked in the back. Less security cameras.

Riff: What does it matter? We're low on dough, and if we hot-wire another abandoned car, there's a better chance we'll get caught.

Raw: Well, hitchhiking's out of the question. No chance we'll ever get the pendant that way.

[Riff suddenly notices a pair of old abandoned bicycles nearby]

Riff: Well, whattaya know? Some idiots left their bikes here.

Raw: [notices the bikes] Well, well, well...

[Riff inspects the bikes' wheels, which spin perfectly]

Riff: Yep. Still in good shape. [props the bikes up straight] C'mon, Raw. Manhattan awaits.

[He and Raw get on the bikes and ride off]

Raw: How do you expect us to get to the Big Apple on these old bikes?

Riff: Trust me!

The passengers of the uncoupled Amtrak car were sent on the next train to Manhattan and compensated.
Riff and Raw, the men responsible, remain at large.
Their identities remain unknown to the authorities.]

Moroha: Next time: The Feast.

Last edited by TVLubber (4/13/2024 7:22 pm)

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