Rated TV-PG (CC; Stereo)
James: Don't forget to watch ACME Wheel in a brightly lit room, and please don't sit too close to the monitor. Come on down!
Jon: Who do you think you are. George Gray!?
Greg: [holds up a key] Today, I have a key to this Chevy Spark. [grabs a jar containing four keys] I am gonna mix it with four others that do not start the car. In the next half hour, this car could be in the possession of one of our players on...!
[Cheers and applause]
Jon: The famous wheel is spinning your way towards thousands of dollars in cash! And now, from the ACME Studios, here is our captain in charge of training new recruits, Greg Lee!
[Greg enters HQ; cheers and applause]
Greg: Yes, sir! [greets the players] Hello, everybody. Happy Groundhog Day and Super Bowl Eve! It's the day before the Super Bowl. I sure hope you folks have predicted either an early spring or a longer winter in addition to grabbing all of those delicious food for the Super Bowl. Before you do that, spend a half hour of puzzles with us. We got three contestants who are about to do that. Here's Jon to introduce them.
[Now to the contestants]
Jon: He enjoys comic book reading, and loves to play football video games. From Hartford, Connecticut, say hello to Hank Francis!
She enjoys figure skating and hopes to visit Japan. From Lower Manhattan, meet Aoi Cam-Co.
He's into playing the drums and enjoys acting in school plays. From Flushing, Queens, say hello to Alvin Norris!
Greg: Now, for those of you who tuned in last time. Alvin Norris was brought back from an earlier show due to a mispronunciation error in the second round. Here's what the puzzle looked like:
He solved the puzzle correctly but our researchers found out the pronunciation was ruled incorrect. The correct pronuncation is "Camille Saint-Saëns." So we decided to bring him back on this episode.
Greg: Okay, players. You know how the game is played. Let's take a look at the wheel for our first round.
Greg: And here is our first puzzle.
Jon: The category is Same Name.
Greg: There is an ampersand in the puzzle.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ &
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: Hank, you've won the draw backstage. You will spin first.
[Hank spins]
Greg: Right off the bat!
Hank: T.
Jon: Get yourself paid, there are three T's in the puzzle at $750 each! Good start!
[_ _ _ _ T _ _ _ &
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T
_ _ _ T _ _ _ _]
Greg: $2,250.
[Hank spins again]
Hank: N.
Jon: Way to triple up. There's two!
[_ _ _ _ T _ _ _ &
_ _ _ _ _ N _ _ N T
_ _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $2,550.
[Hank spins again]
Hank: R.
Jon: I don't believe it! You know how many they are? Two!
[_ _ _ _ T _ _ R &
_ _ _ _ R N _ _ N T
_ _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $2,800.
Hank: I like to buy a vowel. An E.
Greg: Two E's.
[_ _ _ _ T _ E R &
_ _ _ _ R N _ E N T
_ _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $2,550.
Hank: I also like to buy an I.
Jon: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....Nope! Aoi, it's your turn.
[Aoi spins]
Aoi: S.
Jon: You're in luck. We have one.
[_ _ _ _ T _ E R &
_ _ _ _ R N _ E N T
S _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Jon: $525.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: M.
Jon: How's two M's sound to you?
[_ _ M _ T _ E R &
_ _ _ _ R N M E N T
S _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $675.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: G.
Jon: Good goin'! One G.
[_ _ M _ _ T E R &
G _ _ _ R N M E N T
S _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $850.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: P.
Jon: I like to take a P please.
[_ _ M P _ T E R &
G _ _ _ R N M E N T
S _ _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $1,200.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: H.
Greg: There it is!
[_ _ M P _ T E R &
G _ _ _ R N M E N T
S H _ T _ _ _ N]
Greg: $1,500.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: D.
Jon: Oh, mighty sound effects lady, is that letter in the puzzle?
[_ _ M P _ T E R &
G _ _ _ R N M E N T
S H _ T D _ _ N]
Greg: $2,100.
[Aoi spins again]
[As the wheel is at Bankrupt...]
Greg: Come on one more!
Jon: Looks like you've just landed on a bankrupt. Mmm. Alvin, spin the wheel please.
[Alvin spins]
Alvin: V.
Jon: Well done! A single V.
[_ _ M P _ T E R &
G _ V _ R N M E N T
S H _ T D _ _ N]
Greg: $400.
[Alvin spins again]
Alvin: C.
Greg: And there's the C.
[C _ M P _ T E R &
G _ V _ R N M E N T
S H _ T D _ _ N]
Greg: No more consonants.
Alvin: I'll solve.
Greg: For a grand....
Greg: Yes!
Greg: Good work, Alvin. You got yourself a grand. Let's move on to Round 2.
Let me remind you the folks at home on when the Home Player Spin will be.
SPIN #2]
Greg: And here is our next puzzle.
Jon: The category is Show Biz.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: Aoi, you will start.
[Aoi spins]
Aoi: N.
Jon: There are three N's.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N _ _ _ N _ _ _ N _]
Greg: $2,100.
[Aoi spins again]
Aoi: L.
Jon: Nope. No L's. Alvin's turn.
[Alvin spins]
Alvin: M.
Jon: Good choice! Two M's.
[_ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _
N _ M _ N _ _ _ N _]
Greg: $1,000.
[Alvin spins again]
[Free Spin]
Jon: [walks up to Alvin's podium and gives him a Free Spin token] Alvin, here is your ACME Crime Net Free Spin. In any event you lose your turn, you get an extra one. Take another spin please.
[Alvin spins again]
Alvin: R.
Jon: One R.
[_ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ R _
N _ M _ N _ _ _ N _]
Greg: $1,200.
[Alvin spins again]
Alvin: T.
Jon: A single T.
[_ _ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ R _
N _ M _ N _ T_ _ _ N _]
Greg: $2,000.
Alvin: I like to buy an A.
Jon: How does five A's sound?
[A _ A _ _ M _ A _ A R _
N _ M _ N A T_ _ N _]
Greg: $1,750.
[Alvin spins again]
Alvin: C.
Jon: You are clever! There is one C.
[A C A _ _ M _ A _ A R _
N _ M _ N A T_ _ N _]
Greg: $2,200.
Alvin: I'm gonna solve.
Greg: For $2,200. What is it?
Greg: There we go!
Greg: Nicely done, Alvin. You have won $2,200, plus the grand from earlier. You now have $3,200. Hank and Aoi, still some time to catch up. Let's move on to Round 3 where it's our $500 Bonus Category Round. Let's take a look at our wheel.
Greg: Home Player Spin is still around the corner. And here's the puzzle.
Jon: Pay attention to the puzzle it's a slogan. It could land you $500 extra. Sponsored.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: Alvin, you will begin.
[Alvin spins]
[Super Bankrupt]
Jon: Well, what do you have to say for yourself?
Alvin: My money is gone.
Jon: Yes. The $3,200 you've won in previous rounds. All gone! Hank, it's time for you to spin.
[Just as Hank starts spinning the wheel...]
Greg: Hold it. It can mean either the water pump is leaking again, or it's time for our ACME Home Player Spin!
[Jon brings out "The Drum"]
Greg: Okay, Hank, you're going to spin this drum and draw out a name to see who will be your lucky home viewer.
[Hank spins the drum and takes out a card]
Hank: It's Paulette Epsilo of Delta, North Carolina!
Greg: Okay, Hank.
Jon: Paulette, grab something lucky. Whatever Hank gets on this turn, you will also win. If he loses his turn on either method you receive $50 from us cause we are nice. Hank, are you ready?
Hank: Yes.
Jon: Spin the wheel!
[Hank spins]
Hank: R.
Greg: There are two R's. That's $3,000 going out to Paulette. Congratulations!
[_ _ _ R _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: Now, Hank, you have $3,000. What are you gonna do?
[Hank spins again]
Hank: T.
Jon: Take that amount and times it by two. Two T's.
[_ _ _ R _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _
_ _ _ T T _ _ _]
Greg: $3,800.
[Hank spins again]
Hank: N.
Jon: We have one. Only one.
[_ _ _ R _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _
_ _ N T T _ _ _]
Greg: $4,575.
Hank: I'll buy a vowel. An E.
Jon: What a good buy you are. There are five E's!
[E _ E R _ _ _ E R E _ _ _
_ _ N T T _ _ E]
Greg: $4,325.
[Hank spins]
Hank: W.
Jon: Oh mighty sound effects lady, is that letter in the puzzle?
Jon: Two W's! $4,000!
[E _ E R _ W _ E R E _ _ _
W _ N T T _ _ E]
Greg: $8,325.
Hank: Let's buy the O.
Greg: Two O's.
[E _ E R _ W _ E R E _ O _
W _ N T T O _ E]
Greg: $8,075.
Hank: And I'm solving the puzzle.
Greg: For $8,075.
Greg: YES!
Greg: Okay, Hank. For $500 more. Tell me what company uses this slogan.
Hank: Visa!
Greg: That's another $500!
Greg: Congratulations, Hank, you've won an $8,575. Alvin, since you Super Bankrupted earlier, the Big Money Round could help you make that up. Aoi, you might be able to win the game as well. But before we do that, I want to remind everyone that the contest deadline for entries submitted is Friday, February 22nd. We will not be accepting anymore entries after that date. So if you want to enter, here's Jon with some information.
Jon: You heard what Greg said. The contest deadline is Friday, February 22nd. All entries must be in our hands on our before that date. If you do not get your entries in on time, you will have to wait till next season! Here's how to enter, send a postcard with your name, address, and telephone number to...
ACME Crime Net
P.O Box 4300
New York, NY 10163
Or enter online at For full contest rules go to or write this address. Send in your entries today and your spin could be worth a lot of cash! Back to you, Greg.
[Back to HQ]
Greg: Thanks, Jon. All right, players. It is time for the Big Money Round. Here's the wheel.
Greg: As always, vowels aren't worth nothing. Consonants are worth the amount I spun plus $1,000. [spins]
Greg: $2,750 for each consonant we find today. This round could decide it. Jon, what's our puzzle?
Jon: The category is Rhyme Time.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: Hank, we'll begin with you. Let's have a letter.
Hank: R.
Greg: Two R's.
[_ _ R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _]
Greg: Aoi?
Aoi: N.
Greg: Four N's.
[_ _ R _ _ N _ _ _ N _
_ _ N _ _ R _ N _ _]
Greg: Alvin?
Alvin: S.
Greg: Three S'.
[S _ R _ _ N _ S _ N _
_ _ N _ _ R _ N _ S]
Greg: Aoi?
Aoi: A.
Greg: You don't get any money for the vowels. There are three A's. But you get five seconds.
[S A R _ _ N _ S A N _
_ A N _ _ R _ N _ S]
Greg: Alvin.
Alvin: O.
Greg: No O. Hank?
Hank: E.
Greg: Three E's. Vowels aren't worth anything.
[S A R _ _ N E S A N _
_ A N _ E R _ N E S]
Greg: Aoi?
Aoi: D.
Greg: Two D's.
[S A R D _ N E S A N D
_ A N _ E R _ N E S]
Greg: Alvin?
Alvin: T!
Greg: Yes. What do we have?
[S A R D _ N E S A N D
T A N _ E R _ N E S]
[Cheers and applause]
[Alvin goes wild]
Greg: YEAH!!! Alvin, $11,000. And more importantly, you are going to the Bonus Round to increase your winnings even more and maybe win a car!
Alvin: WHOOO!!!
Greg: Stay right here for a just a moment. First off, I want to say Hank, second place is not bad. You're leaving here with $8,575. Aoi, sorry things didn't work out here. We do have $500 for you. Thank you Hank and Aoi for being on the show.
Greg: Well, Alvin, come along to the Bonus Round with me!
[He and Alvin go to the Bonus Round where Jon (holding a tray of envelopes) awaits]
Jon: That is an amazing win, Alvin!
Alvin: Thank you, Jon. [takes an envelope off of the tray]
Greg: All right, Alvin. You've seen the show a lot. He's knows how the envelopes work. Let's work in this puzzle.
Jon: The category is Things.
[_ _ _ _ _ _ _]
Greg: R-S-T-L-N-E. Any of those up there?
[_ _ N _ _ N S]
Greg: Hmmm. Well, give us three consonants and one vowel.
Alvin: C-D-W-O.
Greg: Well....
[Jon remains steady]
Greg: No help at all. You have to do this by yourself. We will give you ten seconds to solve the puzzle.
[The timer is set at ten seconds]
Greg: Studio audience, please be very quiet as Alvin must do this on his own. Take your time. Figure it out. Good luck.
Alvin: Hmmm. [silence] I do not know!
[BUZZER!] (time's up!)
Greg: What was it?
Greg: Funyans! I am sorry, Alvin. But, we've got to look in the envelope. I hate to do this. [opens the envelope] Uh-oh!
Alvin: What is it?
Greg: The 10!
[The audience and Alvin react]
Alvin: OH!
Greg: You would have decoupled your winnings to $111,000!
Alvin: DARN!
Greg: But hey, Alvin. At least you've won $11,000. Better than nothing.
Alvin: It is better.
Greg: Thank you for playing, Alvin. [to the viewers] That's our show for today. If want to be a contestant on ACME Wheel. You've got to first attend a taping. Send a postcard with your name, complete contact information, age, and grade you are enrolled in and send it to...
NEW YORK, NY 10038
or visit online at For Jonathan Mann, this is Captain Greg Lee saying "Keep on spinnin' and keep on solvin'! Bye-bye!
Based on the game show created by
All contestants have been briefed regarding
game rules prior to their appearance and must
meet eligibility requirements to receive
announced prizes.
Narrator: Produced in New York City, ACME Wheel is a production of an elite unit known as ACME Crime Net. Vigilance, dedication, courage!
Last edited by ACME Crime Net (2/03/2019 1:55 pm)