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7/26/2016 7:44 pm  #1

Side-Fic 241: Alvin vs. Kaiba: Round 2 Pt. 2

Rated TV-14 (DLSV)

Dark Magician Girl: The show is about to begin, everyone! Don't forget to turn the lights on in your room, and don't sit too close to the monitor, mind you. Let's make some magic!

Narrator: In New York City's fight against crime, the dedicated detectives who pursue the most vicious criminals are members of an elite unit known as ACME Crime Net.

[Clips from the previous side-fic are shown]

Narrator: In our last installment, Prescott Vorstein's newest Demon Rider, Chris Mendez, was hired to reprogram the duel disk of former Duel Monsters world champion Seto Kaiba. The next day, our heroes attended a Duel Monsters convention, where Kaiba was to attend. He challenged Alvin to a rematch, but unbeknownst to anyone that Kaiba's duel disk had been reprogrammed to raise the power of Soprano's newly-energized Neo-Invectids: Sacerus and Nomadacris. Now Kaiba's newly-fused Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon is about to deliver a finishing blow. Will Alvin withstand this attack?

[Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, NY, Tuesday, July 26th, 3:20pm]


[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier]

Alvin: Kaiba...! [reveals face-down] I activate my Trap Card: Draining Shield!

[Sacred Soldier becomes surrounded by a shield, which repels the attack]

Alvin: This card negates your attack and gives me life points equal to your attacking monster's attack points! I now go from 500 to 5,000!

Alvin: 5,000 (Hand: 2)
Kaiba: 6,800 (Hand: 2)]

Kaiba: [in his mind] Damn! I was this close! But he's only prolonging his defeat. [aloud] I switch La Jinn into defense mode and end my turn.

[La Jinn switches into defense mode]

[DEF: 1,000]

Alvin: [draws] I draw! [sets a card] I set this face-down, then switch my soldier and Meteor Black Comet Dragon into defense mode, and end my turn.

[Sacred Soldier and Meteor Black Comet Dragon switch into defense mode]

DEF: 2,000]

DEF: 2,500]

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! [places a card] I activate Graceful Charity! [draws three cards; discards two] I draw three new cards and discard two: Luster Dragon #2 and Kaiser Vorse Raider. [places another card] Now, I activate Dragon's Mirror! This card lets me fuse monsters in my graveyard to Fusion-summon a Dragon-type Fusion monster by banishing them. I fuse my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my graveyard!

[His three Blue-Eyes reappear and fuse together]

Kaiba: Come forth, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon appears]

[LV: 12
ATK: 4,500]

Téa: Now he's got both varieties of that monster on the field!

Theodore: Alvin's in trouble!

Kaiba: [places another card] Now, I activate Neutron Blast! This Spell Card lets my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack three times, and while he attacks, you can't activate cards or effects until the end of the damage step! Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Alvin's Red-Eyes family! Triple Neutron Blast Attack!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, destroying them all]

Kaiba: Now, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier! Neo Neutron Blast!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Super Soldier, destroying him]

Alvin: You've activated my Trap Card: [reveals face-down] Chthonian Blast! When a monster I control is destroyed and sent to the graveyard, the monster with the lowest attack points on the field is destroyed, and we each take damage equal to half of its attack points. Say adieu to your genie!

[La Jinn is destroyed]

Alvin: 4,100 (Hand: 2)
Kaiba: 5,900 (Hand: 1)]

Kaiba: Getting rid of my genie won't save you. [sets another card] I set this card and end my turn.

​Alvin: [in his mind] Only one monster left standing between Kaiba and my life points. All I have in my hand are Silent Magician and The Black Stone of Legend. I might be lucky and draw Battle Fusion and have my Meteor Black Comet Dragon attack and destroy one of Kaiba's dragons and deal him 3,500 points of damage, but my dragon will only be able to destroy one of them, and at the end of the turn, unless I get a decent card, my dragon will be at his other dragon's mercy. I need a miracle to pull this off.

[Suddenly, a message appears on Alvin's duel disk: INCOMING TRANSMISSION-- ACME LABS]

Alvin: [aloud] Huh? Incoming transmission? Hold on, Kaiba. This must be important.

[He presses the "accept" button on the touch screen; Tyler appears on the touch screen]

Tyler: Alvin, sorry to interrupt your duel, but this is an emergency.

Alvin: What's happening, Tyler?

Kaiba: Why are you stalling, Seville?! Just draw already!

Alvin: I said hold on!

Emcee: Let him take his call, Mr. Kaiba.

Tyler: There's a battle raging outside.

[He shows a streaming of the giant Neo-Invectid fight; the Neo-Invectids have the machines cornered]

Alvin: Oh, no! Hunter! Sora! And what's with Sacerus and Nomadacris? They look ugly now.

Tyler: Soprano's made them Mega Mutants. As if that's not enough, Alvin, I've just run a scan. It turns out that every time Kaiba gains life points and deals you damage, the Neo-Invectids' power rises.

Alvin: What?! But how?

Tyler: Kaiba's duel disk was reprogrammed. I ran a further diagnostic scan and noticed fingerprints on the disk. The ones that weren't Kaiba's matched this guy.

[He shows a profile of Chris Mendes]

Alvin: Who is that?

Tyler: Christian Mendez, convicted of manslaughter in New Jersey. Paroled about a month ago. He's a professional in machinery and computers. Greg's already put out an all-points bulletin, the other Spider Riders and the Kaleido Gladiators are in danger.

Alvin: Oh, no.

[Murmurs are heard coming from the spectators]

Alvin: Huh? [notices the "speaker" signal flashing green] Uh-oh. It's on speaker! [face-palms] I'm such a moron!

Kaiba: We heard the whole thing, Seville. So that's what that jerk did when he said he was upgrading my duel disk last night.

Mokuba: "Other Spider Riders"? What does he mean?

Téa: You might not believe this, Mokuba, but Alvin's one of them.

Mokuba: You're kidding!

Jeanette: She's not kidding, Mokuba. It's true!

Ken: Alvin, they need your help! You have to stop the duel now!

Luci: It's too dangerous to keep dueling!

[The rest of the crowd is mixed with reactions]

Alvin: Kaiba, why don't we just end this duel and call this a draw?

Kaiba: Forget it, Seville! I refuse to end this prematurely after all the publicity!

Tyler: Alvin, no one's at liberty to force you to surrender the duel, but if the duel goes on, it could spell disaster for everyone. The decision is up to you.

Kaiba: I suggest you keep dueling to the end so I can finish you off, Seville.

Joey: Don't give him any ideas, rich boy!

Yugi: Kaiba, this decision is up to Alvin, not you!

Kaiba: This doesn't concern you, Yugi!

Alvin: [in his mind] Tyler's right. If the duel continues, Sacerus and Nomadacris will have more than enough power to destroy us all. But if I surrender, there'll be a lot of hate mail for both me and Kaiba for being cowards. Well, better hate mail than death. [aloud; about to put his hand on top of his deck] Kaiba, for the good of this community, I...!

[Suddenly, another transmission comes in; it's Prescott; spectators gasp]

Prescott: Greetings, spectators. I'm Prescott Vorstein, the only surviving member of the Vorstein crime syndicate. Just thought I'd give Alvin a little advice about surrendering the duel.

Kaiba: Stay out of this, Vorstein! You're not in charge of this duel. You should be back on death row.

Prescott: Not until I get my revenge. But going back to the subject at hand, I understand Alvin's about to surrender the duel to spare his friends and probably the whole world in exchange for dealing with hate mail.

Alvin: I can deal with hate mail, but I can't deal with your actions. I have to surrender for all our sakes, except yours, of course.

Prescott: Go ahead and surrender, Alvin, but once your life point counter reaches 0, the Neo-Invectids will have maximum power and will surely destroy your friends. [laughs]

Alvin and Kaiba: What?!

[The crowd murmurs even more]

Alvin: Prescott,... you... You SNAKE!

Kaiba: Seville, if finishing this duel is the only way to spare your friends' lives, then we have no choice.

Yugi: He's right, Alvin. The others are counting on you.

Alvin: If Kaiba won't stop the duel, then neither will I! I'll make sure I win this duel!

Kaiba: Don't think I'll make it any easier for you. Just draw!

Prescott: Now we're talkin'! Peace, out!

[His transmission ends]

Tyler: Guess Prescott left you no choice, Alvin. I'll try to hack into Kaiba's duel disk and remove Mendez's reprogramming, but it won't be easy. I suggest you win this duel.

Alvin: You got it, Tyler. Alvin out.

[Tyler's transmission ends]

Alvin: All right, Kaiba. I'm all set. Let's finish this duel! [draws] I draw!

[The crowd cheers]

Alvin: [places a card] I activate Pot of Dichotomy! This card lets me shuffle three monsters in my graveyard with different types back into my deck, then draw two new cards. [shuffles three cards from his graveyard back into his deck] I choose Black Luster Soldier - Sacred Soldier-- Warrior, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon-- Dragon, and Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning-- Fiend. [draws two cards] Then draw two cards. Luckily for you, I can't attack this turn. [places a card] Now, to join the powers of darkness and light to bring forth your defeat! [banishes two cards from his graveyard] I banish Evening Twilight Knight and Beginning Knight from my graveyard to special-summon one of my favorite monsters: Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning!

[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning appears]

[LV: 8
DEF: 2,500]

Alvin: All it took to summon one of my ace monsters was to banish a Light monster and a Dark monster from my graveyard. And that's not all, Kaiba. Because Beginning Knight and Evening Twilight Knight were banished, I can activate their special abilities. Banishing Beginning Knight lets me add a Ritual Spell Card from my deck to my hand, and banishing Evening Twilight Knight lets me add a Ritual Monster Card from my deck to my hand. [takes two cards from his deck] Super Solder Ritual and Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier. Oh, but I'm not done yet. [places another card] Now, I activate Super Soldier Ritual! [discards a card and banishes a card from his graveyard] I tribute my level-1 Black Stone of Legend from my hand and banish my level-7 Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight from my graveyard!

Kaiba: What?! But how?!

Alvin: Since I'm performing a Ritual-summon, Kaiba, Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight can be used for the Ritual-summon simply by banishing him from my graveyard.

Kaiba: But how did he ever end up in your graveyard in the first place?!

Alvin: Remember when I used One for One on my first turn? The card I discarded to special-summon The Black Stone of Legend was Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight.

[Arisen Gaia the Fierce Knight and The Black Stone of Legend appear, then vanish]

Alvin: The gates of chaos reopen to unleash a supreme soldier of chaotic might! I Ritual-summon... [places another card] Black Luster Solder - Super Soldier!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 8
DEF: 2,500]

Alvin: Now I have three monsters on my field to protect my life points. But to make doubly sure of that, I activate Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning's special ability. Instead of attacking, he can banish any monster! Black Luster Soldier, wipe Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon off the field!

[Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning fires a blast from his blade at Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, banishing him; Kaiba growls]

Alvin: [sets a card] I set one card and end my turn.

Joey: All right! Al's bought himself another turn! Even if Kaiba does plan on destroyin' all three of his monsters, Alvin's got a backup plan with that face-down card.

Yugi: I just hope it'll be enough to win him the duel.

[Hell's Kitchen, 3:24pm]

Hunter: These two just keep getting stronger!

Shadow: Portia, we gotta combine!

Portia: Roger that, Shadow!

Hunter and Aqune: Super Turbo Spider, initiate interface sequence!

[The Turbo Spider and Black Widow combine to form the Super Turbo Spider]

Venus: I say we follow suit!

Ebony: I'm with you!

Corona, Lumen, Sparkle, Igneous, and Magma: Combine!

[The Thunder Spider and Platinum Pardosa combine to form the Super Thunder Spider]

Nomadacris: It doesn't matter what combinations you use! As long as Alvin and Kaiba are dueling and Kaiba deals him damage, our power will continue to grow, making us invincible!

Sacerus: So why don't you just surrender?

Mia: Alvin may not be with us now, but we can still kick your asses!

[The MechaBeetle strikes the Neo-Invectids w/its horn]

Brittany: 6-Wing Flash!

[The Mega Star Borg's wings glow, firing a flash of colorful and powerful energy at the Neo-Invectids, hitting them both]

Sacerus: Chop them heads off, Nomadacris!

[Nomdacris jumps up and raises his axe and prepares to chop the Mega Star Borg's head off]

Hunter: Super Gatling Lasers!

[The Super Turbo Spider fires its attack at Nomadacris, hitting him; Nomadacris hits the ground]

Nomadacris: Crap! All this extra power, and I still can't kill them?!

Sacerus: Please tell me Argon didn't just boost our defenses.

[The Super Thunder Spider fires bolts of lightning from its blade at the Neo-Invectids, who dodge]

Sacerus: Nomadacris, assume fetal position!

[Nomadacris does so]

Sacerus: [raises his hammer] FORE!!

[With a single swing, he strikes Nomadacris toward the machines like a croquet ball; Nomadacris strikes the machines w/his axe hard]

Sacerus: It's the beginning of your end, Spider Riders and Kaleido Gladiators! Sayonara!

[He jumps up and raises his hammer]

[Meanwhile, back at the duel,...]

Alvin: Make your move, Kaiba.

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! [places another card] I'll activate the Spell: Giant Trunade! This card returns all Spell and Traps to our hands!

[All Spell and Trap Cards get blown to their owners' hands]

Kaiba: Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Super Soldier!

[Neo Blue-Eyes fires his attack at Super Soldier, destroying him]

Alvin: Black Luster Soldier - Super Soldier doesn't get destroyed without leaving a present, Kaiba. When he's destroyed, I get to special-summon a Gaia the Fierce Knight monster from my hand, deck, or graveyard! I special-summon the original Gaia the Fierce Knight from my deck in defense mode!

[Gaia the Fierce Knight appears]

[LV: 7
DEF: 2,100]

Kaiba: But now, I activate my dragon's special ability! Since he's the only card I control now, I can send a Blue-Eyes Fusion monster from my Extra Deck to my graveyard and have my dragon attack again! [sends a card from his Extra Deck to his graveyard] I'll send another copy of Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to my graveyard and have the one I have on my field to attack Meteor Black Comet Dragon!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Meteor Black Comet Dragon, destroying him]

Kaiba: And, as I told you, I can activate this effect up to twice per turn. [sends another card from his Extra Deck to his graveyard] Another copy of Neo Blue-Eyes goes to the graveyard, and this Neo Blue-Eyes attacks once more!

[Neo Blue-Eyes fires his attack at Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, destroying him]

Kaiba: All you have left to protect you is that pathetic knight. [places another card] But now, I activate Mausoleum of White again! I'll be ready for you next turn. Make your move.

Alvin: [draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] This should help. [places a card] I activate Swords of Revealing Light!

[Kaiba's field becomes surrounded by flashing swords]

Alvin: It's too bad you wasted Giant Trunade last turn, because as you already know, Swords of Revealing Light stops you from attacking for three turns. [sets a card] Now, I set this card and end my turn.

Kaiba: I'll bet that's the same card you set before, and I'll also bet it's a Trap for my Neo Blue-Eyes. But that's the least of my concerns. [draws] I draw! [growls at what he just drew, then sets it] I end my turn.

Alvin: I knew you'd be too scared to make a move. [draws] I draw! [places another card] I summon Defender the Magical Knight!

[Said monster appears and gains a Spell Counter]

[LV: 4
ATK: 1,600]

Alvin: [places another card] But he won't be around for long, because I tribute him to special-summon back an old friend!

[Defender vanishes, and in his place appears...]

Alvin: Silent Magician!

[LV: 4
DEF: 1,000]

Alvin: Now, because my hand is empty, she doesn't gain anymore attack points, and there's nothing more I can do now. Your move.

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! [in his mind] If I activate Raigeki now, Seville will just negate it with his SIlent Magician's effect. I'll just have to wait. [aloud] I end my turn.

Alvin: [draws] My turn, then. [places a card] I activate the Spell: Graceful Charity! [draws three cards; discards two] I draw three cards and discard two: Curse of Dragonfire and Dark Magician Girl. [places another card] Now, I activate Monster Reborn! I special-summon Curse of Dragonfire from my graveyard!

[Curse of Dragonfire appears and screeches]

[LV: 5
DEF: 1,500]

Theodore: That's like a red version of Curse of Dragon!

Yugi: Exactly, except this one has special effects.

Alvin: If I summon Curse of Dragonfire, I get to destroy one Field Spell Card on the field. Time to burn down Mausoleum of White!

[Curse of Dragonfire spews fire at Mausoleum of White, destroying it]

Alvin: But that's not all, Kaiba! I'm about to perform a Fusion-summon!

Kaiba: But how?! You don't have anymore cards in your hand.

Alvin: With Curse of Dragonfire's effect, I don't need Polymerization. I fuse Curse of Dragonfire with Gaia the Fierce Knight!

[Said monsters fuse together]

Alvin: When my knight and dragon unite as one,
my opponent shall be left with none!

I Fusion-summon... [places a card from his Extra Deck] Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 7
DEF: 2,100]

Kaiba: As if that monster's going to win you this duel.

Alvin: For those who never heard of this monster, let me explain. Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion is pretty much like the original Gaia the Dragon Champion, but with added effects. He can be Fusion-summoned by fusing any Gaia the Fierce Knight monster with any Dragon-type monster. Plus, he's treated as Gaia the Dragon Champion while on the field. And if I special-summon him, I get to add this card from my deck to my hand: [takes a card from his deck] Spiral Spear Strike. But that's not all. When he attacks an opponent's monster, I can switch its battle position. [places another card] Now, I activate Spiral Spear Strike! While this card is on the field, each time Gaia the Fierce Knight, Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight, or Gaia the Dragon Champion attacks a monster in defense mode, you take piercing battle damage. If Gaia the Dragon Champion inflicts battle damage this way, I get to draw two cards, then discard one. Luckily for you, I can't do that now, since your dragon's attack and defense points are much higher than my Dragon Champion's. I end my turn now.

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] Perfect. [aloud; places a card] First, I activate Raigeki! This card destroys all your monsters!

Alvin: Not if Silent Magician has anything to say about it! I activate her effect to negate Raigeki!

[Silent Magician fires a blast from her wand at Raigeki, destroying it]

Kaiba: Just a mere decoy, since Silent Magician's effect only works once per turn. Now, I activate my face-down card: [reveals face-down] Return from the Different Dimension! By giving up half of my life points, I get to special-summon my banished monsters. I give up 2,950 life points, and in exchange, I special-summon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and all three of my Blue-Eyes White Dragons back to the field!

[Said monsters reappear]

Alvin: 4,100 (Hand: 0)
Kaiba: 2,950 (Hand: 2)]

Alvin: You know, as awesome as your Blue-Eyes army is, they're really starting to annoy me.

Kaiba: I'll bet this will, too. [places another card] I activate Fusion Substitute! I fuse my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons together to Fusion-summon...!

[His three Blue-Eyes White Dragons fuse together to form...]

Kaiba: Another Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

[LV: 12
ATK: 4,500]

Kaiba: Now, I banish Fusion Substitute from my graveyard to return Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon from my graveyard to my Extra Deck, then draw a card. [does so; looks at what he just drew] YES! [places another card] I tribute my first Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Behold!

[His first Ultimate Dragon vanishes, and in his place appears...]

Kaiba: Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!

[LV: 10
ATK: 3,000]

Alvin: That monster-- I've seen him before. As I recall, he gains 300 attack points for each dragon in your graveyard, doesn't he?

Kaiba: That's right. That includes The White Stone of Ancients, my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, and the two Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons I sent to my graveyard with the effect of the one I had on the field. That's a total of 7 dragons.

LV: 5,100]

Alvin: That was very wise of you, Kaiba, using the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon you summoned with Return from the Different Dimension as a tribute to summon your Shining Dragon so he wouldn't be banished again at the end of the turn. Unfortunately, with no cards left in your hand, there's nothing more you can do, now that you have no cards left in your hand, and my Swords of Revealing Light are still in play.

Kaiba: They won't be at the end of this turn, Seville. I end my turn now.

[The swords vanish]

Alvin: [in his mind] This is gonna be really tough. Since he has two Neo Blue-Eyes in his graveyard, if I target any of his Blue-Eyes monsters with a card effect, he can banish one of those Neo Blue-Eyes in his graveyard and negate and destroy the card I use. Plus, Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon negates any card effect that targets him. And there's only 13 cards left in my deck, though Kaiba has 7. But wait! I still haven't used the new cards yet. Nor my face-down card. I'd better act now. [aloud; draws] I draw! [reveals face-down] I activate my Trap Card: Sixth Sense!

Kaiba: You expect to waste your shortening deck on that card, Seville?

Alvin: Nothing in my deck is disposable, Kaiba. Now, all you have to do is roll a die, and I'll call two numbers: 5 and 6. If any of those numbers should come up on the die, I get to draw that many cards. But if any other number comes up, I send that many cards from the top of my deck to my graveyard.

Kaiba: [rolls a die] All right, then!

[The die, in slow motion, comes up 6]

Alvin: YES! [draws 6 cards] Now I have 7 cards, and my Silent Magician has 4,500 attack points!

ATK: 4,500]

Alvin: I switch her and my Dragon Champion into attack mode! Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion, attack Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon and switch him into defense mode!

[Sky Galloping Gaia soars toward Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon]

Kaiba: I activate Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's effect, negating your Dragon Champion's effect!

[Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon switches into defense mode]

[DEF: 2,500]

Kaiba: What?!

Alvin: I guess you didn't know that Sky Galloping Gaia's effect doesn't target the monster he attacks. And since Gaia's attack points are higher than your Shining Dragon's defense points, your dragon's out of luck! Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion, annihilate Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon with Sky Galloping Dragon Lance!

[Sky Galloping Gaia strikes Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon w/his attack, destroying him]

Alvin: 4,100 (Hand: 7)
Kaiba: 2,850 (Hand: 0)]

Kaiba: My dragon!

Alvin: Trust me, his loss is the least of your problems. Now, I activate the effect of my Spiral Spear Strike. [draws two cards] I draw two cards, then discard one. [discards a card] I'll discard Card Destruction. Now I have 8 cards in my hand, and Silent Magician now has 5,000 attack points!

ATK: 5,000]

Alvin: That's enough to take out either one of your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons! I'll take out your regular Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon first! Silent Magician, attack Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon with Silent Burning Attack!

[Silent Magician fires her attack at Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, destroying him]

Alvin: 4,100 (Hand: 8)
Kaiba: 2,350 (Hand: 0)]

Kaiba: Next turn, you're history, Seville. You and your monsters!

Alvin: Kaiba, if you do beat me, you'll live to regret it! [sets three cards] I set three cards and end my turn.

ATK: 3,500]

Alvin: [in his mind] This guy-- All he cares about is winning. His thirst for victory will only lead to what Prescott wants-- Our doom.

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! My Shining Dragon will be avenged, and my comeback begins with this! Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Silent Magician with Neo Neutron Blast!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Silent Magician, destroying her]

Alvin: 3,100 (Hand: 5)
Kaiba: 2,350 (Hand: 1)]

Kaiba: [sends a card from his Extra Deck to his graveyard] Now, I send Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon from my deck to my graveyard to have my Neo Blue-Eyes attack your Dragon Champion!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Sky Galloping Gaia, destroying him]

Alvin: 1,200 (Hand: 5)
Kaiba: 2,350 (Hand: 1)]

Kaiba: [sends another card from his Extra Deck to his graveyard] Now, I send my last Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon to my graveyard to have my dragon attack you directly! It's over, Seville!

Alvin: Kaiba, you shouldn't do this! Don't you remember what Prescott said?! If my life points hit 0, the Neo-Invectids will go mad with power, and my friends will be killed! Do we want that?! I know I don't! And I know those guys down there don't, either!

Kaiba: [growls] I don't believe in Prescott's mumbo jumbo! All he said was nothing but bull! But my dragon's final attack is far from bull! Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Seville directly, and finish this duel! NEO NEUTRON BLAST ATTACK!!!

[Neo Blue-Eyes fires his attack at Alvin directly]

[Cut back to the giant battle; the Neo-Invectids' power grows even more, and Sacerus strikes the machines hard w/his hammer, knocking them all to the ground]

Sacerus: Yes! YES! Kaiba must be winning!

Nomadacris: Now that these guys are down, let's finish them once and for all, partner!

Sacerus: Combine energy!

Sacerus and Nomadacris: Mega Mutant Energy Blast!

[They combine their energy and focus it]

[Cut to the Mega Star Borg's cockpit]

Layla: Alvin, please hurry!

Sora: Layla,...

[She holds out her left hand; Layla clasps it with her right hand, then clasps Brittany's right with her left; all 6 Gladiators join hands]

Layla: Stay strong, everyone.

[Cut to the MechaBeetle's cockpit; Mia, Anna, and Sarah join hands]

[Cut to the Super Turbo Spider's cockpit; Hunter and Aqune hold hands]

Hunter: Guess this is it, huh?

Aqune: I'm sorry, Hunter. It's a shame it all had to happen before you and my sister got married.

Hunter: Don't be sorry, Aqune. [to the radio] Corona!

[Cut to the Super Thunder Spider's cockpit; the Spider Riders inside are holding hands]

Corona: I read you, Hunter.

Hunter: I may not be in that cockpit with you, but could you...

Corona: [in tears] Okay.

[Cut back outside; the Super Turbo Spider and Super Thunder Spider hold hands]

Sacerus: Look at them, resigning themselves to their inevitable fate.

Nomadacris: Just a little more, now.

[Cut back to Soprano's base]

Soprano: Don't fire just now. It could backfire.

Argon: Wait for it.

[Cut back to Prescott's base]

Prescott: YES! ACME's last line of defense is about to fall prey to my greatest plan! Once Alvin takes that direct hit, he's history!

[Cut back to the duel; Kaiba's dragon's attack is about to strike Alvin]

Alvin: Kaiba, if you really refuse to back down, then I'll have to use force! [reveals face-down] I activate the Trap: A Hero Emerges! [lays out the 5 cards in his hand face-down] Pick one of these cards, and if it's a monster, I can special-summon it to the field to intercept your attack. If not, it goes to the graveyard.

[The 5 face-down cards appear before Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]

Kaiba: I'll choose the rightmost card!

Alvin: [smirks] This one, eh? [adds the other four cards to his hand] You'll be surprised to see which one it is.

[The selected card is revealed to be...]




[Obelisk the Tormentor!]

Kaiba: NO! It can't be!

Alvin: Yes, it can, Kaiba! [places the card] I special-summon, in defense mode, Obelisk the Tormentor!

[Obelisk the Tormentor appears and growls]

[LV: 10
DEF: 4,000]

Alvin: Remember him, Kaiba?!

[Kaiba has flashbacks of his duels in Battle City when he used Obelisk the Tormentor]

Kaiba: [in his mind] He has an Egyptian God Card! The one that I used in Battle City! How dare he! How dare Yugi give him this card just to poke fun at me!

[Cut back to the present]

Luci: [clings to Ken] Ken, that look on Mr. Kaiba's face when the big guy appeared... It scares me.

Ken: Yugi, what is it between Kaiba and Obelisk?

Yugi: Before I won Obelisk the Tormentor in Battle City, he had that card. He was given that card so he could start his tournament to claim the other two Egyptian God Cards. But Kaiba's desire for power led him to turn that card over to me.

Luci: But when did Alvin get that card?

Ken: Yugi gave it to him after the Police Games exhibition match about a year ago.

Yugi: Though Alvin didn't beat me, he did beat Obelisk. And he's been doing a great job taming him.

Kaiba: Seville, you will regret this!

Alvin: I'm afraid it's you who's gonna regret ever challenging me to this duel.

Obelisk: My lord Alvin, my presence may be brief, but I shall do what I can to protect you and your friends.

Alvin: Thanks, Obelisk.

Obelisk: [nods, then turns to Kaiba] So, Seto Kaiba, my old master, we meet once again. It's a pity it had to be under these circumstances.

Kaiba: Spare me the small talk, Obelisk. The only monsters I depend on are my dragons. Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, wipe out the traitor!

[Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at Obelisk, destroying him]

Obelisk's voice: The rest is up to you, Alvin! Good luck, my friend!

Alvin: Thanks, Obelisk. Your sacrifice won't be forgotten!

[Cut back to the giant battle; the Neo-Invectids have focused even more energy]

Sacerus: All right, Nomadacris! Let's end this!

Nomadacris: You got it, partner!

[They yell and are about to fire, when suddenly, a giant Battle Beetle dives in and punches them to the ground]

Chris: [from inside the Battle Beetle's cockpit] You two can't fire now! Kaiba's last attack failed to wipe out Alvin!

Sacerus and Nomadacris: WHAT?!!

[Splitscreen back to the machines' cockpits]

Hunter: Why'd that Battle Beetle just intervene?

Shadow: Its pilot must be working for Prescott.

[Cut to the Battle Beetle's cockpit w/Chris Mendez in Demon Rider uniform]

Chris: Just look at you two, completely focused on destroying ACME, even though the energy you've gathered for your finisher isn't enough to even lay so much as a dent on them. Wait until after Kaiba wins the duel, then you can finish them! In the meantime, I'll do you a little favor of subduing them.

[Cut back outside]

Sacerus: No way, intruder! They're ours!

[He strikes the Battle Beetle w/his hammer]

Nomadacris: [charges at the Battle Beetle w/his axe] I'll teach you to interrupt our moment of triumph!

[He raises his axe, but the Battle Beetle slices the top off w/its sharp claws]

Nomadacris: My axe!

Chris: Trust me, that's the least of your problems. As is your partner's hammer!

[His Battle Beetle slices Sacerus' hammer in half]

Sacerus: Damn! Well, if I can't destroy you with my hammer, I can still destroy you with my own brute strength!

[He flies toward the Battle Beetle and strikes it with a large headbutt]

Nomadacris: Sacerus!

[He kicks the Battle Beetle to the ground; the three giants get into a serious dogfight]

[Cut back to the Mega Star Borg's cockpit]

May: They're completely distracted. Brittany, can you still use the MechaDove's healing power?

Brittany: Easily done, May. MechaDove healing power, activate!

[Cut back outside; the Mega Star Borg's MechaDove wings glow, emitting a waft of energy at all of the gang's machines, restoring them all back to full power; they get back on their feet]

Hunter: Yes! Nice job, Brittany!

Corona: Now, let's break up the bad guys' fight and finish 'em off!

[The gang's machines charge at the fighting bad guys]

[Cut back to the duel; Alvin gets another transmission from Tyler]

Tyler: Alvin, good news. The others are back up to full power, and the Neo-Invectids are completely distracted by the interference of Chris Mendez in his Battle Beetle.

Alvin: Thank God! Thanks, Tyler. But right now, I've got a duel to finish.

Tyler: Got it. Steele out. [signs off]

Alvin: Okay, Kaiba. Got anymore moves?

Kaiba: None for now, but don't think you've won. Your Egyptian God's dramatic rescue only delayed your unavoidable defeat. I end my turn.

Alvin: [in his mind] As long as I still have life points, I won't give up. As long as I still have cards in my deck, I won't give up. Heart of the Cards, please guide me once more! [draws in slow-motion] I... draw! [looks at what he just drew] Just what I need! But first things first... [aloud; places a card] I activate Dark Magic Veil! By paying 1,000 life points, I special-summon a Dark Spellcaster-type monster from my hand or graveyard. I special-summon one of my favorites: Dark Magician Girl!

[Dark Magician Girl appears and poses]

[LV: 6
ATK: 2,000]

Alvin: 200 (Hand: 5)
Kaiba: 2,350 (Hand: 0)]

Kaiba: So the so-called "Prince of Games" has a Dark Magician Girl of his own, eh? Big deal. She's no match for my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Alvin: She will be when I activate this card: [places the card he just drew] Dark Burning Attack! Since I control Dark Magician Girl, she can wipe out all of your face-up monsters!

Dark Magician Girl: Dark Burning Attack!

[She fires a blast from her wand at Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, destroying him]

Kaiba: [snickers] I had a feeling you'd destroy my dragon eventually. [places another card] Because you destroyed a Blue-Eyes monster, you've allowed me to special-summon Deep-Eyes White Dragon from my hand!

[Deep-Eyes White Dragon appears and roars]

[LV: 10
ATK: ?]

Kaiba: When I special-summon this monster this way, I can deal you 600 points of damage for each different dragon in my graveyard. Since I have 5 different dragons in my graveyard,--

Alvin: 3,000 is enough to wipe me out, but not if I activate this: [reveals face-down] Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment! This card reduces all effect damage I take this turn to 0!

Kaiba: [growls] Well, my Deep-Eyes White Dragon can still defeat you. When he's summoned in any way, he gains the attack points of any of my dragons in my graveyard. I'll choose my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, taking Deep-Eyes' attack points to 4,500!

ATK: 4,500]

Kaiba: And if you destroy this dragon with a card effect, all your monsters will be destroyed.

Alvin: I don't plan on doing such, Kaiba. [places another card] I activate one of the new cards I won in the costume contest: The Eye of Timaeus!

Kaiba: No!

Alvin: Yes! Timaeus, rise once again!

[Timaeus, the Legendary Dragon of Atlantis, emerges from the ground and roars]

Alvin: Timaeus, fuse with my Dark Magician Girl!

[Dark Magician Girl and Timaeus fuse together]

Alvin: I Fusion-summon Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight!

[LV: 7
ATK: 2,600]

Kaiba: Impressive, but your two-bit knight doesn't stand a chance with only 2,600 attack points.

Alvin: Not yet, but this next card will make sure I win! [places another card] I activate The Claw of Hermos! Come forth, Hermos, and join with my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight!

[Hermos appears]

[Hermos fuses with Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening Twilight]

Alvin: I give you Rocket Hermos Cannon! Attach to Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight!

[Said monster appears and equips to DMG]

Dark Magician Girl: Rocket Hermos Cannon lets me attack twice each turn. Thank you, Alvin.

Alvin: My pleasure. Now, hold on. I'm not done yet. [places another card] I activate Back-Up Rider! This card gives my Dragon Knight an extra 1,500 attack points this turn!

ATK: 4,100]

Kaiba: She's still 400 points weaker. And you've run out of cards in your hand. You're out of luck now, Seville.

Alvin: Is that so? Well, you seem to have forgotten about my last face-down card. [reveals face-down] I activate Castle of Dragon Souls!

Kaiba: What?! It can't be!

Alvin: It's a doggone shame that it all has to come down to a card you gave me after our last duel, Kaiba. I banish Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my graveyard to give Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight 700 more attack points this turn!

[Red-Eyes' spirit powers up Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight]

ATK: 4,800]

Kaiba: 4,800?! But that means...

Alvin: It's over, Kaiba! After Dark Magician Girl's first attack takes down your dragon, her second attack will finish you off!

Kaiba: Impossible!

Alvin: Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, attack and destroy Deep-Eyes White Dragon!

[Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight strikes Deep-Eyes w/her sword, destroying him]

Alvin: 200 (Hand: 0)
Kaiba: 2,050 (Hand: 0)]

Alvin: You fought a good duel, Kaiba. This is another duel I won't soon forget. But this is where it all ends! Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight, attack Kaiba directly and wipe out the rest of his life points with Dark Energy Burst!

[Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight fires her attack at Kaiba, hitting him hard; Kaiba screams]

Alvin: 200 (Hand: 0)
Kaiba: 0 (Hand: 0)]

Alvin and Dark Magician Girl: Game over!

Mokuba: Seto!

Yugi: Alvin did it!

[The crowd cheers]

Luci: Yay! Alvin won! Alvin won! [hugs Ken] I knew he could do it!

Joey: Attaboy, Alvin!

Serenity: Go, Alvin!

Mai: Good job, kiddo!

Simon and Theodore: That's my bro!

Jeanette and Eleanor: All right!

Tristan and Duke: [hi-five] He da 'munk!

Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, after a lengthy duel, our winner is Alvin Seville!

[The crowd chants "Alvin!"; even Mokuba joins the chants; Alvin takes a bow]

Kaiba: Outplayed again. I must be getting rusty.

Alvin: You dueled only for revenge, Kaiba. Nobody wins that way.

Dark Magician Girl: Alvin's pureness of heart, belief in his cards, and determination to protect his friends won him this duel. But you didn't believe in Prescott Vorstein's ambitions.

Timaeus: Had you won, a lot of lives would have been destroyed, and it would have all been on you.

Hermos: Would you have wanted that?

Kaiba: [sighs] No. Seville, I hate to admit it, but for a young amateur, you're all right.

Alvin: Thanks, I guess. I'd love to stay and chat, Kaiba, but the others need me. I'll be back in a flash! [exits the center]

Kaiba: If you catch that convict, bring him to me so I can give him a piece of my mind!

Alvin: Will do!

[Back at Hell's Kitchen, the long fight continues; the Mega Star Borg fights the Battle Beetle, the Super Turbo Spider fights Sacerus, and the Super Thunder Spider fights Nomadacris]

Sora: So you rigged Kaiba's duel disk so that if he beats Alvin, the Neo-Invectids would power up to the max?!

Chris: And I'd do it again if I had the chance!

Layla: Unforgivable!

May: Dragon Knuckle Strike!

[The Mega Star Borg strikes the Battle Beetle w/its Dragon Fist]

Sacerus: [flips the Super Turbo Spider on its back] Even if Alvin wins, we're still strong enough to defeat you!

Nomadacris: That's right. We've gained enough energy to win this battle, then we'll destroy that menace in the Battle Beetle before we go after your friends!

Hunter: You'll do no such thing! So what if we don't have Alvin with us? We can still kick your buggy butts!

Alvin's voice: Oh, you'll be doing a lot more than that now!

Sacerus, Nomadacris, and Chris: What?!

[The Flash Formosa (Fighter Mode) charges into the scene and strikes the bad giants w/its blade]

Hunter: It's Alvin!

Brittany: He made it!

[Cut to the Flash Formosa's cockpit w/Alvin (in Spider Rider uniform) and Dagger]

Alvin: Sorry the duel took so long, guys.

Sora: Wait, seeing as you came here before they could fully energize,--

Hunter: You won?!

Alvin: That's right! I'd explain more, but we've got work to do! Let's finish these guys off now!

Everyone else: You got it, champ!

Hunter: [inserts all four Oracle Keys into the controls of the Super Turbo Spider] I summon the almighty Araneus!

Alvin: I summon Hyllus!

[Cut to outside; Araneus and Hyllus crawl into the scene]

All 8 Spider Riders: Mega Spider, initiate!

[The Spider Riders' machines combine to form the Mega Spider]

All 9 Gladiators: Combine!

[The Mega Star Borg combines with the MechaBeetle to form the Giga Borg]

[Cut to the cockpit w/all 9 Gladiators]

Gladiators: Giga Borg!

[Cut to back outside; the Giga Borg's wheels start turning; it heads toward the Battle Beetle]

Chris: Fire lasers!

[The Battle Beetle fires its lasers at the Giga Borg, but the Giga Borg is unaffected]

Layla: All weapons are locked on and ready, Gladiators!

Sora: Let's take him down!

All 9 Gladiators: KALEIDO GIGA BURST!!

[Outside, the Giga Borg fires all its weapons at the Battle Beetle, hitting it hard]

[Cut to the Battle Beetle's cockpit, which engulfs in explosions]

Chris: This can't be true! I almost had this won! [screams]

[Outside, the Battle Beetle falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown]

Sacerus: Thanks for ridding us of that intruder!

Nomadacris: Now we can finish you off ourselves!

Sacerus and Nomadacris: FULL POWER!!

[They focus all their energy and fire it at the gang's machines]

Hunter: Mega Gatling Lasers!

[The Super Turbo Spider portion of the Mega Spider fires its lasers at full power at the energy wave, pushing it back towards the Neo-Invectids, hitting them hard]

Sacerus: If only the intruder hadn't destroyed our weapons!

Nomadacris: Give us your worst!

[Cut to the Mega Spider's cockpit w/all 8 Spider Riders and their Battle Spiders]

Alvin: Our worst is our best. Goin' up!

[Cut back to outside; the Super Turbo Spider and the Thunder Formosa raise their weapons to the sky and spin them around like helicopter blades, causing the Mega Spider to take to the sky]

Alvin: Mega Spider!

All 8 riders and spiders: FINAL STRIKE!!

[The Mega Spider plummets toward the Neo-Invectids; Sacerus and Nomadacris raise their arms and try to block with all their might]

Nomadacris: I doubt you'll ever win this way when two targets are defending themselves!

Sacerus: In the name of our fallen master Alto Rizzoli, we will never surrender!

Alvin: Put a little more gravity into it, Hunter!

Hunter: I'm giving it all I've got, man! It was easy when we struck just one enemy! We've never done it to two before!

Sacerus: It's fruitless! Your measly Mega Spider will never penetrate us!

Alvin: Layla, open fire!

Layla: We can't! The Giga Borg used up a lot of energy fighting the Demon Rider's Battle Beetle. We're still recharging.

Sora: Just keep trying, Alvin!

Alvin: You heard 'em, Spider Riders! Raise gravity to full power!

Aqune: Alvin, we're already at full power!

Corona: If we add on anymore, we'll overload!

[Suddenly, a giant-sized Lady Noia (in Super Valkyrie form) flies into the scene and strikes the Neo-Invectids w/her lance, causing them to lose their grip]

Spider Riders: It's Lady Noia!

Nomadacris: Damn that valkyrie!

Sacerus: Heads up!

[The Mega Spider is about to strike]

Nomadacris: [kicks Sacerus out of the way] Sacerus, you're on your own!

[The Mega Spider crushes him hard, and an explosion is shown]

Sacerus: Nomadacris!

Noia: Miss me, guys?!

Lumen: Perfect timing, Noia! How'd you find us?!

Noia: Mr. Steele relayed the situation while I was at work. It almost looked like you had 'em beat, but they were persistent when trying to defend themselves. I knew I had to step in, so I grew, powered up, and jumped in.

Sacerus: You biker bitch! [grabs what's left of his hammer] I'll teach you!

[He points the back of his broken hammer at Noia]

Noia: Vespa Beam!

[She fires a beam from the gem over her breast at Sacerus, hitting him hard and destroying his hammer]

Noia: Now you will suffer the same fate as the Neo-Invectids before you, Sacerus! Spider Riders, finish him off!

Hunter: Thanks, Noia! Let's do this again!

[The Mega Spider takes to the sky again]

Sacerus: Uh-oh!

Hunter: Mega Spider!

All riders and spiders: FINAL STRIKE!!

[The Mega Spider plummets toward Sacerus; Sacerus screams and tries to shield himself, but the Mega Spider crushes him hard, and an explosion is shown]

[Cut back to the cockpit; the Spider Riders cheer]

Hunter: YES!

Corona: We did it!

Alvin: Ya-hoo!

Aqune: Good job, riders!

[All 8 and their spiders jump out of the cockpits; the Gladiators follow suit]

Sora: Alvin, you actually won that duel?!

Alvin: Kaiba was nothing I couldn't handle, Sora.

Anna: Congratulations, kiddo.

[Noia returns to normal Valkyrie form size and joins the gang]

Noia: Alvin, you-- A duel against Seto Kaiba-- You won?

Alvin: Yeah. Didn't Tyler tell you?

Noia: No. I was in a hurry to catch up with you guys, I never asked him.

[Suddenly, as the smoke clears, Sacerus and Nomadacris emerge, back to normal size and form; Chris, still in his armor emerges from the rubble of his destroyed Battle Beetle]

Sacerus: You think you've beaten us? You've only destroyed our Mega Mutant form.

Nomadacris: Don't think you'll survive one last round against us.

Chris: Step aside, Sacerus. These guys are mine.

Alvin: These three just don't know when to quit, do they? [whips out his blade] Dagger, ready to rumble?

Dagger: As ever!

Alvin: Let's go!

[He charges at the three bad guys and strikes them all w/his blade]

Alvin: This is for your little dogfight with each other. And as for you, Chris Mendez, this is for using my duel with Kaiba to sabotage my friends! Blade of Lightning!

[He fires lightning from his blade at Chris, hitting him]

Chris: Please, Alvin! Prescott put me up to it! His plan was to give the Neo-Invectids enough power to send them on a rampage and destroy you, but his real intent was to destroy not just you, but the Neo-Invectids so that he could get more of Soprano's henchmen out of his way! He never intended to join forces with Soprano at all!

Sacerus and Nomadacris: What?!

Alvin: So, Prescott was willing to do anything to get at us for his revenge, even if it meant killing others? That monster!

Chris: But still, as Prescott's Demon Rider, it's my duty to destroy you! [charges at Alvin w/his Demon Sabre] And I'll start with you!

Alvin: Sorry, Chris, but this is for your own good. [swings his blade] Crimson Flash!

[His blade fires a wave of crimson energy at Chris, hitting him hard and destroying his sword]

Sacerus: Prescott Vorstein did all this?!

Nomadacris: Just to destroy us?!

Alvin: Sadly for him, he failed miserably. But that doesn't mean you two are off the hook! Hunter!

[Hunter tosses him an Oracle Key]

Alvin: Oracle's Light!

[He and Dagger power up to Oracle Mode]

Alvin: Spider Rider!

[He strikes the Neo-Invectids w/his powered-up blade]

Dagger: Spider threads!

[He sprays his web at Chris and the Neo-Invectids, tying each of them up]

Alvin and Dagger: Crimson Starlight!

[They fire their attack at the three bad guys, hitting them all hard]

Alvin: Guys, finish 'em!

Igneous: Right!

[He, Flame, Magma, and Brutus charge at Nomadacris]

Nomadacris: No! Wait!

Igneous: Fire Bolt!

Magma: Morning Star!

[They strike Nomadacris w/their attacks hard; Nomadacris screams, falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown]

Hunter: Royal Riders?

Sparkle: Right! Blue Lance!

[Her lance glows; she strikes Sacerus through the midsection, electrifying him; she then releases it]

Lumen: Gold Blade of Light!

[He strikes Sacerus w/his blade]

Sparkle: Blue Impulse!

[She slashes Sacerus twice w/her lance; Sacerus screams, falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown]

Chris: Well, those creeps are outta the way, but that doesn't leave you off the hook!

[Hunter and Aqune each raise an Oracle Key]

Hunter and Aqune: Oracle's Light!

[They and their Battle Spiders power up to Oracle Mode]

Hunter and Aqune: Spider Riders!

[They join Corona and Alvin; all four and their spiders face Chris and stare him down]

Chris: Bring it on!

Hunter and Shadow: Electra Twist!

Corona and Venus: Platinum Wave!

Aqune and Portia: Dark Star!

Alvin and Dagger: Crimson Starlight!

[They all strike Chris hard w/their attacks; Chris screams, falls to the ground, and an explosion is shown; after the smoke clears, Chris lies on the ground, his armor and manacle destroyed; Alvin helps him up and cuffs him]

Alvin: Christian Mendez, you're under arrest for reckless endangerment and attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Anything you say may be used against you. If you can't afford attorney, one will be appointed to you.

Hunter: Nice job, you guys! Another Demon Rider in bracelets and two more Neo-Invectids gone.

Alvin: Before we take him into custody, Hunter, there's still one thing we need to do with him.

Hunter: Name it.

[Later, back at the convention center, the gang (all back to normal, but most still in their convention costumes) returns w/Chris]

Alvin: Here's your crook, Kaiba!

Kaiba: So, Chris Mendez, you're the one who rigged my duel disk to try and power up Soprano Falco's Neo-Invectids each time I'm on the verge of winning.

Chris: Mr. Kaiba, what do you want with me?

Kaiba: A duel.

[The crowd cheers in approval]

Chris: I can't. I'm cuffed.

Alvin: [uncuffs Chris] Just this once. [shackles Chris' legs] But just so you don't try and escape.

Chris: Fair deal. Okay, Kaiba. I'm ready.

[He and Kaiba activate their duel disks; everyone puts on their duel gazers]

Kaiba and Chris: Let's duel!

Mokuba: Go get him, Seto!

Joey: Show that creep what you're made of, Kaiba!

Kaiba: I'll let you go first, Mendez.

Chris: Thank you. [places a card] I'll start the duel off with The Terminus of the Burning Abyss! This card lets me perform a Fusion-summon of a Burning Abyss monster. I fuse three monsters in my hand: Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, and Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss!

[Said monsters appear and fuse together]

Chris: I Fusion-summon Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 8
ATK: 2,900]

Chris: That's not all. The monsters I used to Fusion-summon Dante activate their effects if they're sent to the graveyard. First off, if Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss is sent to the graveyard, I can special-summon a level-3 Dark Fiend-type monster from my hand and negate its effect. [places another card] I special-summon Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 3
DEF: 2,100]

Chris: Second, if Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss is sent to the graveyard, I can special-summon a different Burning Abyss monster from my deck. [places a card from his deck] Behold, Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 3
ATK: 1,700]

Chris: Now, to perform a Synchro-summon! I tune my level-3 Rubic to my level-3 Barbar!

[Said two monsters tune together]

Chris: I Synchro-summon Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss!

[Said monster appears]

[LV: 6
ATK: 2,500]

Chris: Take that, Kaiba. I now control two Burning Abyss monsters each with 2,500 or more attack points, and on my very first turn, too. Oh, almost forgot-- If Barbar is sent to the graveyard, I can banish up to three other Burning Abyss cards in my graveyard and inflict 300 points of damage to you for each one. I banish Rubic, Graff, and Libic to deal 900 points of damage to you!

[The souls of said monsters appear and strike Kaiba]

Kaiba: 3,100 (Hand: 5)
Chris: 4,000 (Hand: 0)]

Kaiba: Classic opening move, Mendez.

Chris: I'm not quite done yet. I almost forgot to tell you about the effect of Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss. During the end phase of a turn in which it's sent to the graveyard, I get to add a level-3 Dark Fiend-type monster from my deck to my hand. [takes a card from his deck] I'll end my turn and add Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss from my deck to my hand. Your move.

Kaiba: [draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] Perfect. [places a card] First, I activate Polymerization! I fuse my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my hand!

[Said dragons appear and fuse together]

Kaiba: Take flight, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon appears and roars]

Chris: I'm not impressed. I activate the effect of Dante, Pilgrim of the Burning Abyss! [discards a card] By sending a Burning Abyss card from my hand to the graveyard, I get to draw a card. [draws] But that's not all. If Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss is sent to the graveyard, I can banish one monster on the field until the end phase. Ta-ta, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, until next turn!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vanishes]

Kaiba: [places another card] I activate Dragon's Mirror! I fuse the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons in my graveyard to Fusion-summon another Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to the field!

[The three Blue-Eyes reappear and fuse together to form another Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]

Kaiba: [places another card] Finally, I activate Neutron Blast! This card lets my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack three times this turn, and if he does, you can't activate cards or effects until the end of the damage step, which means you won't be able to activate your Burning Abyss monsters' effects even if they're sent to the graveyard.

Chris: SAY WHAT?!!

Kaiba: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, attack Dante and Virgil, then wipe out the rest of Mendez's life points! TRIPLE NEUTRON BLAST ATTACK!!!

[Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon fires his attack at said Burning Abyss monsters, destroying them all, then striking Chris directly; Chris screams as he gets knocked back with serious damage]

Kaiba: 3,100 (Hand: 0)
Chris: 0 (Hand: 1)]

Emcee: The winner is Seto Kaiba!

[Cheers and applause]

Kaiba: Short as this duel was, Mendez, you built an impressive deck. The one mistake you made was dueling me. Take him away.

Hunter: [slaps the cuffs back on Chris] C'mon, Chris. You're comin' with us. [takes Chris outside]

Kaiba: Okay, everyone. You can all go back to the fun of this convention now. I'm needed back at KaibaCorp headquarters. Let's go, Mokuba. [exits the center]

Mokuba: Right, bro. See ya 'round, guys. [follows his brother]

Yugi: Take care, Mokuba.

Emcee: How 'bout a hand for Seto Kaiba once more?!


[Cut back to Prescott's base; Savage enters Prescott's office]

Savage: Sir, I regret to report that--

Prescott: Savage, leave me be. I need some me time.

Savage: Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. [exits]

Prescott: ACME may have done me a little favor in ridding me of Soprano's Neo-Invectids, but they'll regret ever ruining another of my schemes. And how dare that meddlesome Chris Mendez turn on me! [clenches his fist] He'll live to regret it!

[Cut back to Soprano's base; Soprano is furious]

Soprano: It's bad enough I've lost my Neo-Invectids, but Prescott Vorstein never intended to help me?!

Argon: I knew there was something fishy about his plan. He thought that our henchmen were expendable.

[Militia enters]

Militia: Boss, I heard the bad news. I apologize. I should've been there with Sacerus and Nomadacris.

Soprano: Your powers weren't at full yet, Militia. Before Alto's last duel, you used up a lot of energy. There was nothing you could've done. But your chance will come very soon, like, say, Hunter Steele's wedding next week.

Militia: He's getting married?

Argon: To one of the Spirit Oracle's handmaids: Corona.

Militia: Ah. I'd be honored to give Steele Hell at his wedding.

Soprano: Good. Now, here's the plan.


Last edited by TVLubber (1/11/2017 12:00 am)

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7/28/2016 5:32 pm  #2

Re: Side-Fic 241: Alvin vs. Kaiba: Round 2 Pt. 2

[Javits Center, 5:31pm]

[The gang watches as Simon faces a duelist using Monarch monsters; the monsters on the Monarch duelist's field are as follows:]

LV: 6
ATK: 2,400]

LV: 8
ATK: 2,800]

LV: 6
ATK: 2,400]

[The monsters on Simon's field are as follows:]

LV: 4
DEF: 2,000]

LV: 4
ATK: 1,800]

LV: 8
ATK: 3,000]

Simon: 2,200 (Hand: 0)
Benny: 4,000 (Hand: 0)]

Simon: Your Monarchs are impressive, Benny, but they're nothing my new Ancient Gear monsters can't tackle.

Benny: Just draw. I haven't got all day.

Simon: [draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] Just what I need. [places the card he just drew] I activate Power Bond! I fuse Ancient Gear Golem, Ancient Gear Knight, and Ancient Gear Box together!

[His Ancient Gear monsters fuse together]

Simon: Come together, machines of old.
Let our victory unfold!

I Fusion-summon... [places a card from his Extra Deck] Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem!

[Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem appears]

[LV: 10
ATK: 4,400]

Benny: Uh-oh.

Simon: Any Machine-type monster Fusion-summoned using Power Bond-- Their original attack points double. That takes Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem's attack points to 8,800!

ATK: 8,800]

Simon: Like most Ancient Gear monsters, when this one attacks, you can't activate any Spells or Traps until the end of the damage step. Plus, like my Ancient Gear Golem, it can inflict piercing battle damage even if the monster it attacks is in defense mode. Not that it matters, since all your monsters are in attack mode. Plus, my Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem has more than enough attack points to wipe you out, no matter what monster it attacks! Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem, attack Kuraz the Light Monarch and wipe out the rest of Benny's life points!

[Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem fires its rocket fists at Kuraz, destroying it; Benny gets struck w/damage]

Simon: 2,200 (Hand: 0)
Benny: 0 (Hand: 0)]

Emcee: Simon Seville wins!

[The crowd cheers]

Tristan: Nice goin', Simon. But y'know, Power Bond is a very risky card to use.

Simon: It's not risky if you know you're gonna win the duel, Tristan.

Jeanette: Guys, check out Theodore's duel!

[The gang approaches another duel; Theodore is dueling against a young woman using Dragon-type monsters; on her field are as follows:]

LV: 4
ATK: 1,500]

LV: 4
ATK: 1,500]

LV: 4
ATK: 1,200]

LV: 5
DEF: 2,400]

LV: 4
ATK: 2,000]

[On Theodore's field: No monsters, but one card face-down]

Theodore: 1,300 (Hand: 2)
Clarissa: 4,000 (Hand: 1)]

Clarissa: That takes care of your weak Warriors, Theodore. But now, to prepare for next turn. [places another card] I activate Polymerization! I fuse my 5 dragons together and Fusion-summon...!

[Her 5 dragons fuse together to form...]

Clarissa: Five-Headed Dragon!

[Five-Headed Dragon appears and roars]

[LV: 12
ATK: 5,000]

Theodore: Not this guy again!

Clarissa: I take it you faced this monster before. Not that it matters. I end my turn.

Simon: Don't give up, Theodore! You can do this!

Theodore: Right! I can, and I must! [draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] Okay. Here goes nothing. [places the card he just drew] I activate Polymerization! I fuse two monsters in my hand: Buster Blader and Des Volstgalph!

[Said two monsters appear and fuse together]

Theodore: Warrior and dragon, it's time to unite!
Merge and help me win this fight!

I Fusion-summon... [places a card from his Extra Deck] Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman!

[Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman appears]

[LV: 8
ATK: 2,800]

Clarissa: It can't be! You have the new Buster Blader Fusion monster?!

Theodore: That's right, Clarissa. He can be Fusion-summoned by fusing Buster Blader with any Dragon-type monster. Plus, he has these effects: All your Dragon-type monsters switch into defense mode.

[Five-Headed Dragon switches into defense mode]

[DEF: 5,000]

Theodore: And there's more. Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman can inflict piercing battle damage if he attacks a monster in defense mode.

Clarissa: But he doesn't have enough attack points to destroy my dragon, no matter what mode he's in.

Theodore: He does now, thanks to his special ability. For each Dragon-type monster on your field and in your graveyard, Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman gains 1,000 attack points. That includes the Five-Headed Dragon on your field and the 5 in your graveyard you used to summon him. That's a total of 6 dragons, giving Buster Blader 6,000 more attack points!

ATK: 8,800]

Theodore: Plus, he'll be able to destroy your Five-Headed Dragon in battle, since he's a Light-attribute monster. It's over! Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman, attack Five-Headed Dragon! Ultimate Destruction Sword!

[The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman jumps up and bisects the Five-Headed Dragon, destroying him]

Theodore: 1,300 (Hand: 0)
Clarissa: 200 (Hand: 0)]

Clarissa: That's all you can do now. And don't think your face-down can give your Buster Blader another attack. He can't attack directly, you know.

Theodore: He doesn't have to. [reveals face-down] But this card will help him. I activate De-Fusion! I split my swordsman back into the two monsters I used to summon him! But I'll only need one to finish you.

[Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman splits back into Des Volstgalph and Buster Blader]

LV: 6
ATK: 2,200]

LV: 7
ATK: 2,600 (boosted to 5,600)]

Clarissa: Uh-oh!

Theodore: Des Volstgalph, attack Clarissa directly and end this duel!

[Des Volstgalph fires its attack at Clarissa directly, hitting her]

Theodore: 1,300 (Hand: 0)
Clarissa: 0 (Hand: 0)]

Emcee B: Theodore Seville wins!

[The crowd cheers]

Eleanor: All right, Theodore!

Luci: These duels just get better and better.

Ken: C'mon, Luci. Let's see how Alvin's doing against Joey.

[They approach Alvin dueling against Joey]

[On Alvin's field, one card face-down, Swords of Revealing Light face-up and no monsters; on Joey's field: three monsters (all surrounded by the Swords of Revealing Light):]

LV: 6
ATK: 2,400]

LV: 7
ATK: 2,400]

LV: 7
ATK: 2,400]

LV: 8
ATK: 2,800]

LV: 7
ATK: 2,600]

Alvin: 100 (Hand: 0)
Joey: 2,300 (Hand: 0)]

Joey: You may survive this turn, Al, but at the end of the turn, your swords will disappear, and on my next turn, I'll wipe out your monsters! And thanks to Jinzo, your face-down card, which I figure is a Trap, can't save you. I end my turn now.

[The swords vanish]

Alvin: [in his mind] He may have gotten lucky when he destroyed my Black Luster Soldiers when he summoned Gilford the Lightning, but I'm not giving up yet. Come on, Heart of the Cards! [aloud; draws] I draw! [looks at what he just drew] Uh-huh. [places the card] I activate the Spell: The Fang of Critias!

Joey: Uh-oh.

Alvin: Come forth, Critias!

[Critias, the Legendary Dragon of Atlantis, emerges and roars]

Alvin: Critias, I fuse you with my face-down card: [reveals face-down] Mirror Force!

Critias: Yes, my lord Alvin!

[He fuses with Mirror Force]

Alvin: I give you one of my newest monsters: Mirror Force Dragon!

[Mirror Force Dragon appears]

[LV: 8
ATK: 2,800]

Alvin: Attack and destroy Jinzo now!

[Mirror Force Dragon fires a blast at Jinzo, destroying him]

Alvin: 100 (Hand: 0)
Joey: 1,900 (Hand: 0)]

Alvin: All right, Joey. My turn's over. Try and attack my dragon if you dare.

Joey: [draws] You dare me, eh?! [places the card he just drew] I activate Monster Reborn! I special-summon your Black Luster Soldier back from the grave!

[Black Luster Soldier appears]

[LV: 8
ATK: 3,000]

Joey: This soldier has more than enough attack points to take out your dragon and your life points, Al! It's all over! Black Luster Soldier, attack your master's Mirror Force Dragon and wipe him out! Chaos Blade!

[Black Luster Soldier charges at Mirror Force Dragon]

Alvin: If you think I'm gonna fall prey to one of my own monsters, you've got another thing coming! Mirror Force Dragon, wipe the field of all of Joey's cards with your effect!

[Mirror Force Dragon's eyes glow, erecting a reflective shield in front of him; Black Luster Soldier hits it, but the shield fires a large wave of energy at Joey's field, destroying all of his monsters]

Joey: Oh, no!

Alvin: Oh, yes! When Mirror Force Dragon is targeted for an attack or by one of your card effects, all your cards are destroyed!

Joey: Then that's it. I've got nothin' left. I end my turn.

Alvin: You dueled well, Joey, like always. [draws] I draw! Mirror Force Dragon, attack Joey directly and end this duel!

[Mirror Force Dragon fires his attack at Joey directly, hitting him]

Alvin: 100 (Hand: 1)
Joey: 0 (Hand: 0)]

Alvin: And that's game over.

Emcee C: Alvin Seville has done it again!

[Cheers and applause]

Brittany: I knew he'd do it again.

Alvin: You fought another good duel, Joey. You almost had me with your army of monsters. You've even gotten as far as destroying three of my Black Luster Soldiers with a single card.

Joey: Thanks, Al.

[They fist-bump]

Hunter: This has been one hell of a day, eh?

Alvin: Yep. We attended a convention, I beat Kaiba,... again. We captured another Demon Rider, and we're finally rid of the last of the Neo-Invectids.

Aqune: Except for Prescott's gang, that only leaves Soprano, Argon, Militia, R.J., and Gianna.

Hunter: I'll bet Militia's coming after us next.

Alvin: And we'll be ready for him.

[Corona walks up to Hunter]

Corona: Hey, Hunter, in all of today's excitement, I forgot to tell you, your father just called and told me to tell you... Your brother's flying into New York this weekend for the wedding.

Hunter: Ryan's coming?!

[FINAL NOTE: Christian Mendez was tried and convicted of all charges against him and is serving the maximum sentences in Attica Correctional Facility, all to be served consecutively.]

[Clips from the next side-fic are shown]

Hunter: Hey, guys!

Ryan: Sorry the bachelor brunch went too long.

Lumen: Pleased to meet you, Ryan.

Reverend: We are gathered here to join Hunter and Corona in holy matrimony.

Soprano: If you fail me, Militia, it will be the last time.

Militia: Trust me, there will be no failure.

Aqune: He's just too much!

Hunter: It's gonna take all the power we've got to beat him.

Alvin: All our power?!

Hunter: Next time on ACME Crime Net: The Wedding!

Corona: Vigilance, Dedication, Courage!

Last edited by TVLubber (9/17/2016 3:56 pm)

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